Mrs. Pool Hottie

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Camila woke up to the sound of her husband closing the door to their hotel suite and wheeling in a silver cart stacked with cloche-covered plates. She couldn't help but smile when he walked into the bedroom, his gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips and his brown curls tousled from the pillow. The combined scent of coffee and bacon gave her a small burst of energy.

"Good morning, husband."

Shawn looked up at her and smiled widely. "Oh man, I like the way that sounds. Would you like some breakfast in bed, wife?" Camila giggled and nodded, sitting up in bed and letting the covers pool down around her waist. Shawn's eyes stayed glued to her skin for several seconds before he finally regained enough self-control to move their plates of breakfast onto the mattress. "I got your favorites."

"Oh yeah?"

"Mhm. French toast, fresh fruit, and eggs benedict. Also I got you orange juice and coffee because I didn't know which one you'd prefer and figured it'd just be easier to get both."

"This is a lot of food!"

"I couldn't decide! Everything on the menu sounded so good. And it's being paid for by an old millionaire which I think means I'm allowed to order an abundance of room service. If the US government won't tax him appropriately then me and my stomach will."

"You're a dork, though I do appreciate the commentary on US politics."

Shawn laid on the bed next to her and grabbed his own plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, potatoes, and toast. He also, of course, had his mug of coffee — which never left his hand for the entirety of breakfast.

"So what's on the agenda for our first day as a married couple?"

"Well I promised Maggie we would take her to the library, so we should probably do that. We also have to get Shelby and your family back to the airport. I think it's just chilling for the rest of the day after that."

"Have you made an appointment for us to talk to the adoption people again yet?"

"Oh, yeah! We have an appointment tomorrow at 3. We're actually meeting with someone I know pretty well this time so hopefully that helps. I mean, I don't want to get my hopes up too much...but I do kind of feel hopeful this time around."

"Did you not know the people who worked on your case last time?"

Shawn shook his head. "No. Our jobs never crossed paths so they weren't really familiar with me, which is fine...but I think they maybe would've given me a little more of a chance if they did know who I was." He paused for a moment as he took a bite of bacon. "That kind of made me sound like an asshole, didn't it?"

"No," Camila snorted. "I understand what you meant. The people in that field that are familiar with you and your relationship with those kids know that they're meant to be with you."

"Us," he corrected. "They're meant to be with us." He took a bite of his food while Camila just silently admired him. She smiled and picked up her phone, opening her camera app and holding it up.

"Smile, baby."

He grinned — his hair still messy and his cheeks rosy, holding a half-drank mug of coffee in his hand. Camila snapped a picture, looking down at the screen in satisfaction with the image. She opened her Instagram and posted the cute picture of him. She figured now would be the best time to announce to the rest of her friends and family that they had gotten married. She thought of a cute but witty caption, typing it out and hitting the share button.

woke up with a husband (and breakfast in bed) 💍☕🤍

The likes and comments from people congratulating her started flowing in immediately but she ignored the notifications and just focused on spending the morning after their wedding eating breakfast in bed with her now husband.

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