A Million Bucks

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"Psst...mommy!" Maggie's hushed whispers were just loud enough to wake Camila, who smiled when she saw the toddler laying in bed with them. Shawn was asleep on his stomach and Maggie was practically laying on top of him. That was one aspect of Shawn's life as a dad that truly impressed Camila — Maggie could be jumping and dancing on top of him and he'd still be able to sleep right through it. 

"Good morning, cutie." Camila reached out and grabbed Maggie's toes, making her giggle and kick. "When did you sneak in here?"

"I had a bad dream. Daddy let me sleep in here."

"He's so nice."

"Yeah." The little girl yawned dramatically and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hands. "I'm hungry."

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"Birthday pancakes!" 

"And whose birthday are we celebrating today?"

"Um..." Maggie giggled. "I don't know..."

"How about chocolate chip pancakes?"


"How about I go pick up some chocolate chip pancakes from the diner?" Shawn sleepily grumbled, just barely awake. 

"Daddy's up!" Maggie was suddenly very excited, smacking her little hands against his bare back where he laid. 

"I can cook breakfast," Camila offered. Shawn shook his head.

"The pans and stuff are already packed. I packed them up last night." 

Camila smiled to herself. Her and Shawn had sat down on the couch together to watch a movie after dinner the night before...but she had quickly fallen asleep. She was now realizing that while she was taking her little nap, Shawn was finishing up packing their things for the move. 

"You packed up the kitchen?" she asked. He nodded. "That was the last room we needed to pack."

"Mhm. I figured since we've both got the day off today, might as well take advantage of it and officially move into the new house."

Camila's smile grew even bigger. "As much as I've loved this house...I can't wait to be in the new place." She yawned. "That's so exciting."

"You excited, stinky?" Shawn rolled onto his back. Maggie had migrated to the small empty space between Shawn and Camila on their bed. "You get to be in your big girl room."


"How should we decorate your big girl room?" Camila asked, brushing her fingers through the little girl's messy curls. 


"Pink?" Camila chuckled, not even a little surprised.

"Yeah! And mingos!"

"Who could've guessed..." Shawn snorted. 

"I think we can make that happen. We're gonna give you the pink flamingo big girl room of your dreams!"

"And chocolate chip pancakes!"

"And chocolate chip pancakes," Camila laughed.

"Speaking of...I should probably get those ordered." Shawn reached over to his nightstand and grabbed his phone. He texted Jace to ask for his order and then called the diner down the block to send the order in. 

"I wanna go with you, daddy!" Maggie shouted from the bed as she watched Shawn pull on a hoodie.

"You can come with me," he assured her. "Do you wanna get dressed or do you wanna stay in your jammies?"

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