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[not smutty but a lil spicy]

Camila stirred awake at the sound of their hotel room door opening and closing. Her eyes shot open, worried that she and her husband were about to have to fight off a crazy intruder.

However, it wasn't an intruder. It was Shawn pushing a little wooden cart that was adorned with various types of breakfast foods, coffee, and juice. 

"Breakfast in bed?" she asked with a grin. To be honest, she couldn't think of many things that sounded nicer than that. Not to mention it smelled delicious. 

"Well, it's Valentine's Day, which is the day of romance. And after trying to come up with the most romantic way to eat breakfast...this is what I came up with." He motioned toward the cart of food. 

Camila sat up in bed, stretching her arms out to her side with a yawn. "It's perfect." 

Shawn carefully moved all of the food onto the bed so they could enjoy it from the comfort of their plush pillows and blankets. He joined her in bed, carefully balancing his cup of coffee in his hands as to not spill it on the white bedding. 

"This is a good way to start the day." Camila took a sip of her own coffee. Shawn placed his hand on her bare leg, his thumb caressing her tan skin — even more sunkissed than usual thanks to the St. Barts sun. 

"Happy Valentine's Day, baby."

Camila leaned over and gave her husband a quick kiss. "I'm not sure if you remember, but today isn't just Valentine's Day..." Shawn smirked. Of course he remembered. Ever since that night where he found out that she'd be ovulating on Valentine's Day, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about it. 

"Oh, I remember," he assured her. "Which is why the rest of our plans for the day include us not leaving this room. Well, until dinner, at least." He winked at her; Camila giggled.

"And what about lunch?"

He sighed and shrugged. "I guess we can come up for air for lunch too."

They ate their breakfast together, and somehow the food tasted even better than it had the day before when they had eaten it at the restaurant. They both agreed it was due to the cozy bed. It enhanced the experience. 

Shawn was in the middle of eating a piece of croissant when his phone rang with a FaceTime call from his mom. But he had a feeling it wouldn't just be her on the other end of the call. He slid his thumb across the screen to answer it.  

"Hi stinky," he said with a big smile on his face. Camila looked over his shoulder at the screen. She had clearly just woken up — her little curls were going in every which way. She was hugging a bright pink teddy bear close to her chest. "Did you get a new teddy?"

The little girl nodded, a sleepy grin plastered to her face. 

"Tell them who got it for you," Karen said just off screen. 

"Jace," Maggie answered. Shawn and Camila looked at each other, both of them melting at the idea of Jace getting his baby sister a special Valentine's Day gift. Karen chimed in again.

"He got her chocolate too but we told her she's not allowed to eat that until later today."

"That's so sweet," Camila noted. 

"He got it 'cause it's Balentime's Day," Maggie explained. They couldn't help but chuckle at her pronunciation. 

"What's his name?" Shawn asked. Maggie looked at him like he was crazy.

"Um, Jace..."

"No," Shawn snorted. "The bear. What's the bear's name?"

"Oh! Um...I don't know, maybe...Taco?"

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