Shelby in Toronto

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"Hey," Jace said happily as he rounded the corner into Maggie's room where Shawn and the little girl were cleaning up her toys and books. "Is it okay if I invite a friend over to hang out for a bit?"

"Yeah, sure," Shawn replied. "Just don't get into too much trouble."

"We won't," the teen chuckled. "Thanks!" With the green-light from Shawn, Jace quickly made his way back through the hallway and up to his room.

A few short minutes later, Shawn's cell phone began to ring. He didn't recognize the number but the call's location was listed as Miami, FL. Too curious to ignore it, he answered the call.


"Hey watermelon boy."

Shawn snorted, knowing immediately who he was talking to.

"Watermelon boy? That one is new."

"Well what can I say? The image of you two sucking on that piece of watermelon together is still engrained in my mind."

"You're welcome!" he laughed. "What's up, Shelby?"

"Do you happen to know what Camila's plans are for the day?"

"Well she's at work right now...but I don't think she's got anything planned for tonight. If anything she's probably just gonna come over to my place for dinner and a movie. It might be easier if you just call her and ask...?"

"Obviously that would be easier but I'm trying to surprise her. I'm at the airport right now."

"Wait, what?" he asked in surprise. "What airport?"

"The Toronto airport. Duh."

"You're here?"

"Yes. I literally just said that."

"Right," he chuckled. "Oh my god, she's going to be so excited! What's the plan?"

"Well, that's the thing...I don't really have one. I kind of did this on a last minute whim."

"Do you need a ride from the airport? I can come pick you up real quick if you need."

"I was going to just get an Uber or something but if you're able to come get me that'd be greatly appreciated."

"You got it. I'm headed that way now." Shawn threw on a pair of shoes and went up to Jace's room to let him know he was leaving for a bit. He opted to take Maggie with him instead of leaving her with Jace, knowing just how much she loved car rides.

Shelby texted Shawn which door to pick her up at and after about a fifteen minute drive, he was pulling up. The redhead was easy to spot. He pulled his car over by where she stood and got out, greeting her with a quick hug before helping her get her bag into his car.

"How was your flight?" Shawn asked as he got back into the driver's seat. Shelby made herself comfortable on the passenger's side.

"It was good. I watched a movie and ate some cookies — doesn't get much better than that."

"I want cookies!" Maggie squeaked from the backseat. Shelby turned around quickly and smiled.

"Well hi there cutie! I didn't even notice you were back there!"

"Oh, yeah...I assume Camila told you about the kids?"

"Yes, she did," Shelby replied with a grin. "Maggie, right?"

"Yeah, I'm three!" the toddler replied.

"Wow! You're such a big girl! I like your pigtails."

"Thanks! Daddy did them."

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