Coffee Aisle

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"So are you gonna be able to make it?" Shawn asked through the phone. Shelby answered immediately.

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Awesome. God, she's gonna be so excited."

"I'm excited too! I'll text you my flight details as soon as I have them figured out."

"Sounds good. See you tomorrow, Shelby." The redhead squealed something Shawn couldn't quite decipher but he could tell that she was ecstatic. He ended the call and unbuckled his seatbelt, getting out of his car and walking up to the front door of the small consignment shop. A bell above the door chimed as he pushed his way into the store.

"Mornin' hun!" The woman behind the counter said sweetly. She was older — maybe in her late 60s, but clearly full of energy. Her silver hair was pulled into a curly ponytail on top of her head and her small, round-frame glasses sat snuggly on the tip of her nose. She couldn't have been any taller than 5-feet. "Can I help you with anything?"

"Uh, yeah, actually..." He couldn't help but smile thinking about it. "I'm hoping to buy an engagement ring."

"Oh! How exciting! Come over here to the case and I'll help you find one. We've got plenty of options!" She drummed her fingertips excitedly on the top of the glass case that held a sea of beautiful jewelry. Shawn felt a little overwhelmed by all of the options. The woman must've noticed because she quickly helped him narrow it down. "What's your budget, hun?"

"Under $2,000 if possible..." he sighed, leaning on the jewelry case. The woman, who he could now see was named Shirley according to the name tag pinned to her floral blouse, nodded and grabbed a tray of diamond rings neatly organized in slits of foam.

"These are all gonna be in your price range," she assured him. "Now tell me about the lucky lady. How'd you two meet? Tell me everything." Shawn chuckled at how invested she already seemed.

"Her name's Camila. We met on vacation a couple years ago. I fell in love with her like, instantly. We lost touch after the vacation ended but she actually moved from Miami to Toronto for work and we ended up reconnecting."

"Oh my goodness, that's just too sweet. When are you planning on proposing?" Shirley asked as Shawn's eyes scanned over the various rings.

"Well I kind of have to do it tonight because our wedding is tomorrow." Shirley clearly looked confused. "She already knows we're engaged. We're eloping at the courthouse tomorrow. I just haven't gotten around to getting her a ring yet, and I do wanna give her a real proposal and get down on one knee and everything. It was more of just a conversation when we decided to get married. She deserves a formal proposal."

"Well that's just the sweetest thing. Any of these rings catch your eye?"

Shawn glanced over them again, picking up one particular ring that stood out to him. It was simple — definitely not the statement rock that Shelby has. Though Camila wasn't the type to want something that crazy anyway. This ring was much more her style...and much more within Shawn's budget. The band was a subtle gold with one round cut diamond in the center and two smaller ones on either side of it.

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