Rose-Colored Glasses

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Camila woke up the next morning in her own hotel room despite the fact that her dreams had been filled with thoughts of what it would be like to wake up next to him instead. She looked over at the empty bed next to her and sighed. Yawning, she rolled out of bed and stumbled out into the living area of the suite she shared with Shelby only to see that the redhead was already awake and watching TV on the couch.

"Good morning," Camila mumbled. Shelby did a double-take.

"Wait..what the hell are you doing here? I thought you were staying with the bar hottie?"

"I decided to come back here instead of sleep in his room."

"That bad?" the redhead winced.

"No," she sighed as she plopped down onto the couch next to her. "That good."

"Oh shit! It was so good you...left?"

"It was so good that I have no fucking idea how I'm supposed to just pretend it didn't happen and move on after this week is over."



"So...that's it? You're not going to hook up with him again while we're here?"

"I haven't decided yet. I mean, we don't really have any way of contacting each other. He doesn't have my number. I know his room number but he doesn't know mine."

"So the ball is in your court?"

"Basically," she shrugged.

"So is that all the details I'm gonna get?"

"I mean he gave you a few details in his text," Camila snorted. Shelby wiggled her eyebrows. "It was incredible. Like, the kind of shit you only read about in smutty romance novels. I didn't think it could ever actually be like that."

"Oh, honey..." Shelby laughed. "He ruined you, didn't he? Nothing will ever be enough now."

"Exactly. That's why I had to leave. Speaking of last night, I worked up a crazy appetite and now I'm so stupidly hungry. Can we please go check out the breakfast buffet?"

"Don't have to ask me twice!" The two girls freshened up before heading down to the buffet, filling their plates up with eggs and bacon and fresh fruit. Shelby got herself a mimosa while Camila opted for a cup of coffee.

"So now that you've had your holes filled, what's on the agenda for today?"

"Jesus Christ, Shelby!" Camila gasped, looking around to make sure no one heard her. "Can you not be so crass? Or at least try and be a little bit quieter?"

"Don't be such a party-pooper," Shelby replied with an eye roll. "I'm being serious. What should we do today?" Camila sighed and took a sip of her coffee.

"I heard there's a pretty incredible spa here at the resort," Camila suggested. "Maybe we have a little girl's day? Get ourselves all pampered?"

"As if you didn't already get enough pampering last night," Shelby smirked. "But sure. I'd love that. Spa day it is!"


Shawn woke up and frowned when he saw the empty space next to him in the bed. Of course she would leave as soon as she got what she wanted — they always did. He sighed and stared blankly at the empty bed as if somehow that would make her magically reappear again. 

Oh well. At least he had some fun. Hopefully she had fun, too. It sure seemed like she did. He couldn't help but smile at the memory. He threw the covers off of his still-naked body and stumbled into the bathroom for a long, hot shower. 

He didn't even know what he was supposed to do now. How was he possibly supposed to continue on with his day as if he hadn't had the most magical night of his life the night before? Was he supposed to just forget her now? He could already tell that wasn't going to be possible. 

Deciding to at least attempt to move on and continue making the most of his free vacation, he decided to take advantage of the zip lining excursion that his friend had scheduled as part of their honeymoon. Shawn had considered inviting Camila to join him but since she had decided to bail before the sun came up he had a feeling she wasn't interested in any other kind of island excursions with him.

Zip lining was fun and the views were beautiful but unfortunately his distracted brain couldn't focus on anything but the memories of the incredibly sexy brunette that had been panting beneath him the night before.


"So have you made your decision yet?" Shelby asked as her and Camila both laid face down on their own massage tables while two strangers expertly rubbed out all of their knots and stress.

"Decision about what?"

"About your dick donor."

"Jesus Christ, Shelb..." Camila groaned. She could hear both of their masseuses trying to hold in their giggles. "He has a name, ya know."

"I'm aware. But it's less fun. Now get back to the question. Have you made your decision? Are you going to see him again tonight?"

"I don't know," the brunette sighed. "Would it be a bitchy move? To completely ghost him and then show up again the next night wanting more?"

"I mean...yeah. It's kind of rude. But also, as you've stated before, it's not like you're going to see him again. Get what you want. Stop worrying so much about what he'll think of you after all of this."

"That goes against everything I believe in as a human being and you know that."

"So that's it? You're giving up on him already? No more bomb sex for the rest of vacation?" Shelby asked the questions as if she already knew Camila wouldn't actually be able to stay away from him; she was calling her bluff. Camila was silent for a moment, trying to figure out how she felt herself. 

"I wouldn't mind seeing him again," she quietly admitted. "I just...I don't know."

"As long as you know this isn't going anywhere serious I don't see anything wrong with having some fun. You deserve it after having to put up with him for so long."

Camila thought it was kind of cute how Shelby went out of her way to avoid saying her ex's name. Her relationship with Max was complicated from the start, and maybe too much of those complications had to do with Camila being young and naive. 

They had met at a college frat party. Red flag number one. They ended up making out on the couch for the majority of the night until his girlfriend came in screaming at him and pulling them apart. Red flag number two. Camila ran into him about a week later and he apologized over and over again, making comments about how he had broken up with her a couple days before the party but she just wouldn't accept it and went fully into crazy-mode. And, like an idiot, Camila decided to believe him. Maybe believing him wasn't the worst part; maybe the worst part was letting herself fall in love with him.

Despite nearly everyone she knew warning her that he was nothing but trouble she insisted that he was a good guy. She had a permanent pair of rose-colored glasses on anytime she was with him. When you see everything through a pair of rose-colored glasses the red flags just look like flags, she said in her mind — echoing the screenshot of the Pinterest quote that Shelby had sent her shortly after their breakup. At the time the words made her roll her eyes in annoyance but now they made so much sense that it hurt. The day she found out just how many random girls he had cheated on her with during their relationship, she felt like a fool. Of course he was cheating on her. Of course it was all a lie. Their whole relationship had been based on a lie.

"I think I will see him again, actually," Camila said, her voice laced with determination. "But not tonight. Today is our girl's day and tonight is our girl's night. We're getting wine drunk and watching rom-coms in our suite. And you know what? Your sugar-daddy is also going to be paying for a sampling of everything on the room service dessert menu."

"Oh, fuck yeah."

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