Save Me a Dance

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"I'll come up and get you after the rehearsal so you can join us for dinner." Camila leaned over the bed where Shawn laid scrolling on his phone, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

Considering Shelby and Robert basically lived in a castle, they decided that it would be the perfect wedding venue for their nuptials. It also worked out well because it meant that while Camila was in the back gardens fulfilling her bridesmaid duties for the wedding rehearsal, Shawn could just chill upstairs in their room. Not having to worry about traveling anywhere was so handy.

The wedding rehearsal was quick and painless. Despite the endless flow of cash Robert and Shelby had, they were actually keeping the wedding fairly small and simple. Camila was one of three bridesmaids. She'd walk down the aisle by herself to a beautiful song being played by the live violinist they'd have at the ceremony and then she'd stand proudly next to her best friend as she became Mrs. Shelby Drake.

About forty minutes later, everyone was going back inside to enjoy the large dinner that Robert and Shelby's chef had prepared. Camila snuck back up to the guest room her and Shawn had been staying in while people got seated. 

"Time for grub?" he asked when he saw her come into the room. Camila giggled and nodded.

"Hell yeah, it is!"

"Thank god," he groaned as he rolled up off of the bed. "I'm starving and the delicious smells have been making it even worse."

The two of them walked hand-in-hand down the stairs and into the room where everyone was getting ready to enjoy dinner. 

"So how did the rehearsal go?" Shawn asked his girlfriend. "Did you make it to the end of the aisle without tripping?"

"I did!" she proudly replied. "I nailed it. Honestly? I'm basically a professional bridesmaid." She looked over and winked at Shawn, making him snort and shake his head with a chuckle.

They sat next to Shelby and Robert during dinner, which was an impressive spread of perfectly-cooked steak, roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, and garden salad. 

And wine. Maybe a little too much wine.

At least for Camila. She had just started her third glass when Shawn finished his plate of food. She laid her head on his arm and lazily walked her fingers across the top of his thigh.

"Where am I sitting tomorrow for the reception?" Shawn asked Shelby. Camila would be sitting with the rest of the wedding party during dinner and he couldn't deny that he was a little nervous about having to sit at a table full of strangers.

"We put you with Camila's parents and sister. I figured you'd prefer that over sitting with a bunch of random people."

"You'd be correct," he chuckled. "Though I am still a little scared of her sister..."

"Sofi? She's harmless."

"She's protective," Camila corrected. "She's scared of the Max situation happening again."

"I guess that's fair," Shelby shrugged. She turned back to Shawn. "Give her time. She'll come around."

"I hope she comes around sooner rather than later. My last interaction with her was a full-on interrogation."

"This wine is really starting to get to me..." Camila whispered, still loud enough for her red-headed best friend to hear her.

"Sleepy or horny?" Shelby inquired. Shawn nearly choked on the drink of water he had just taken, his eyes wide. "What? Wine makes her feel one of two ways. You should know that by now."

"I do but why do you know that?"

"We're best friends," she shrugged. "We tell each other things."

"This time it's sleepy," Camila giggled to herself before it transitioned into a yawn. Shawn pulled out his phone and checked the time. It was just past 8:30 — definitely an early bedtime, but she was clearly exhausted. 

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