Chapter 4

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I put down the plate and headed towards the front room. I guess Elijah locked himself out by accident. I opened the door to see a girl about my age. She looks like a model. What is it with all these people looking like models?  

"Hi! I'm Vicky, Elijah's friend, I live right next door to you. I saw you guys drive up here and I thought we might be getting a new neighbor. So I came to say hi. It's always good to see a new face around here!" she looked like she was about to slap me.  

I realized then what she had said. Elijah's friend who lives with him. That ba--- 

"What's going on? What are you doing here?! I told you not to come." Elijah appeared behind me. I glared at him. All this time he was being so kind and flirtatious, even making out with me in the rain and then this. He was glaring at Vicky, she glared back for a milisecond. 

"I thought I'd stop by and say hi, you know, since you already got to the other part. I hear this place has a sick party room. We're gonna have so much fun. We'll be like best friends!" she turned towards me after she shot another glare at Elijah. "What's your name?"  

I remembered that I hadn't said anything yet.  

"I'm Kaylee. Nice to meet you."  

She smiled and hugged me, then grabbed my hands and started jumping up and down like girls in movies always do.  

"When are we gonna have the party? There's so many people you should meet! I'm sure Elijah isn't the most interesting person you'll meet." she winked.  

I guess that's one thing they had in common. The winking.  

They exchanged a knowing look as if they knew what I was thinking.  

"Let's eat, shall we?" Elijah grabbed my hand but I pulled away. I was still mad at him, but I would be the bigger person and pretend like I didn't care.  

He looked down to the floor and stayed quiet for the rest of dinner. Unlike Vicky, who kept telling me about London and the people I need to meet and the fun we'd have as best friends. She's really nice too. We immediately connected. After just a couple minutes we were already giggling and sharing secrets when Elijah got another call. He's gotten about 5 now, each time he comes back he looks more dangerous than he did before.  

Vicky helped me put away the dishes and then we decided to watch Mean Girls in the movie room. Elijah said he had to take care of a few things first. Before he left he cast a warning glance at Vicky.  

When we finished the movie, Vicky leaned towards me.  

"We're gonna have some fun now! Where's the phone?" she jumped up and dragged me with her upstairs.  

"It's in the kitchen hallway. What do we need it for?" I asked.  

"We are gonna invite a few people over and have a welcome home party." she picked up the phone and started dialing. "Go get ready, something sexy should be in your new closet. I'll get everything else done." She turned towards the phone again. 

Without hesitating, I went upstairs and looked through my closet. There was a load of revealing clothing. Who had picked out all this? I found a sexy dark blue dress that would match my eyes. It went just above half way up my thigh. I put it on and straightened my hair. I also put on some darker eye make up and a bit of lip gloss. I heard people talking from downstairs so I slowly made my way down. How many people had she invited?  

"There she is!" Vicky squealed as she ran over to me and met me half way up the stairs. She hugged me as everyone else stopped talking. They all just stared at me. I felt a bit awkward. Their stares making me shiver. I looked around but couldn't find Elijah anywhere. I did notice a very attractive guy at the very back of the room standing all by himself. He had dirty blonde hair and clear blue eyes, much like Elijah's. Someone turned the music on and Vicky dragged me down stairs. I met a few cool people, turns out they all live close by. Vicky went to get some refreshments and left me all by myself. I didn't really know anyone so I decided to explore the house one more time. As I got to the last upstairs room, I heard someone behind me.  

"That's a very lovely dress you're wearing, mind if I take it off for you later?" I blushed and turned around. It was the guy who I saw all by himself.  

"I'm Daniel, by the way." He held out his hand. I shook it.  

"Would you like a drink?"  

I nodded. Why was I agreeing to everything he was saying? Why wasn't I creeped out? He looked like the kind of guy that gets a girl every night. I should be worried, but somehow, I'm not.  

He took my hand and led me towards the wine room. It had a little bar and a tv. The lights were dimmed. We drank a few glasses of wine as we talked. I didn't remember much. 

He started leaning towards me as his lips collided with mine. It was rough and quick. Almost like Elijah's kisses, but I knew Elijah didn't mean it in that way. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me to my bedroom.  

"Vicky said to show you a great time, so that's what I'll do." he winked. He put me down on the bed as he got on top off me. I didn't want this. Why couldn't I say anything? He started kissing me again, slightly pulling up my dress.  

"What are you doing?"  

He stopped for a moment, "Just showing you how much more fun than Elijah I can be." He continued kissing me, making his way downwards.  

I tried to pull him away, but he wouldn't budge. I even tried kicking him, but he had a strong grip on me.  

Right as he was about to take off my dress, the door opened. Elijah appeared in the door way.  

"What the hell are you doing?" he quickly got to the bed and pushed Daniel off.  

"I was just doing what you would never do." he smirked.  

"I don't want you anywhere near her. I will hurt you if you so much as lay a finger on her," he glared at Daniel.  

"You're not the boss of me, I can do just as I please."  

I had gotten up off the bed and stood somewhat behind Elijah, leaning up against the wall. Daniel turned towards me, smirking.  

"This isn't the last you'll see from me. We were just getting started." he winked and strode out of the room.  

I didn't know how to react. Elijah hugged me and said he wouldn't let him hurt me. I just stood there, a single tear falling from my eye. Daniel had scared me. I didn't know if I could trust anyone here. This new life wouldn't go exactly as planned.

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