Passed out

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Y/ns pov
I woke up in the hospital for the first time in awhile. It's been a few months. I probably just passed out in the practice room again, except this time someone actually found me. It was bound to happen at some point.

It's the same hospital Ive been to a million times, the hospital staff knows me and of course I know all of them. I normally get Dr.Kim but I guess this time it's a surprise.

I sit there for 5-ish minutes before someone walks in and it is.. Dr.Kim! No surprise this time. "I thought you said I wasn't going to have to see you here again" Dr.Kim says putting gloves on. I let out a small chuckle and so does he.

"Who found me this time?" I ask smiling at him a bit. looks down at the chart in his hands and shrugs.

"Your manager I believe. Your members are in the waiting room, I couldn't let them in because they aren't technically related to you but if you'd like I can bring them in" I shake my head no and he lets put a small sigh. I've come in here for a variety of reasons. Passing out, mental breakdowns, attempts, hell I even came here after everything that happen with... Him.

I have an IV in so I'm assuming I was dehydrated and had little to no food in my system so that's probably why I passed out. It's happened a few times. No big deal. "Unfortunately you can't be discharged for awhile, I need to make sure there is no permanent damage and have to do a checkup.. I unfortunately also have to send psych to check up on you" Dr.Kim explains giving me a sympathetic smile.

I slowly start to panic because last time psych saw me they put me on a forceful hold for a week and I was under high security after. The company wouldn't let me practice or do anything else for at least a month until they were sure I was okay and ready. This is so fucking fucked. If they keep me in hold then they have to tell my members. Oh fuck.

"Y/n calm down. It's a mandatory persuasion we have to take. There is a small chance of them actually admitting you into the psych ward" Dr.Kim says trying to comfort me a bit. I take a deep breath and nod at him. He sits in the chair next to my bed and let's out a small sigh.

"Your manager called your parents and unfortunately they can't be here so your brother is on the way" I just let out a sigh and he pats my arm.  His face changes, at first his face showed he was calm and happy but right now  it's more serious. He is tense. "Y/n we ran some tests while you were asleep. You passed out because you were highly dehydrated and have absolutely no food in your stomach.. If you are having issues with.. Food again then now is the time to tell me. Right nowm because this is the only time I can actually help you."

I turn my head to look right at him. I've been caught. I always am. I had issues with eating, not so long ago. Ive had  a better relationship with food until more recently. I was fine. Completely good until it jusy hit me.. "I-.. I was doing so well.." nods and stands up

"I know you will dislike me for this however I care for you and I want you to be safe and healthy.." Dr. Kim mumbles out looking right at me. I have a feeling I know what he is about to say. "I'm going to inform your members and your manager about this. I know you don't want me to but it's what is best. No diets. Absolutely none" he states picking up the chart from the place he was just sitting. Before I can even say anything he puts his finger to his lips. He then turns and walks out.

Dick. Dr.Kim is a complete and utter dick. I'm going to throw something at his face.

No I'm not. I'm a little to weak for that and if I do so he could admit me to the ward so I guess I'm going to sit here like a good little puppy. That's normally how these visits go.

Jungkook just got here and he looks pissed. Dr. Kim is talking to him and he is taking quick glances at me. This has happened a lot. My parents can't rush here so they have to call jungkook at various times in the day/ night  so he can be here and check me out. Hey, at least he gets to properly meet my members.

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