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Celeste slid down off the counter and James steadied her, she stood in front of him as his hands rested on her shoulders.

Steve stood there blinking at them holding a bottle of wine in his hand, he looked at Jas then looked back at Celeste and James.

"I fucking, knew it" he repeated himself. For once in her life Celeste was speechless. This isn't exactly how she wanted to tell him.

"Steve I swear..." she started to walk towards him. He started to laugh, Celeste stopped in her tracks and looked at Jas who shrugged. He walked to the island and took his coat off and opened the bottle of wine.

"Will someone just say something!" Jas exclaimed.

James shuffled on the spot before turning to Steve "Dude, it just...we just..."

Steve raised his eyebrows, amused at James stumbling over his words "Wait, why are you laughing?" James questioned him.

Steve passed him a glass "Because I was right. I knew I was right." He took a swig of wine.

Celeste stepped beside James and took his hand in hers for comfort.

"Steve I'm so sorry we didn't tell you sooner, I was so worried you..." she began to blabber

"Red, honestly, you're making this into something bigger than it is" he slipped her a wine glass across the counter.

She looked at him baffled. "What?" Reaching out to take the glass.
Steve took another drink of his wine as Jas leaned on the counter looking between everyone, intrigued in the whole situation.

"You're both terrible liars to start with," he laughed "I've known this would happen from the day me and Bucky ruined your date with Chad" Celeste looked at Jas from the corner of her eye.

"Bucky wouldn't stop asking about you. HE wanted to come see you, not me"

Celeste quickly turned her head to James who was looking at Steve confused.

"What? No I didn't even..." he started to protest "Oh. Ohhhhhh"

Steve pulled a smug face "you told me, you were going to ask her out, then you saw her with Chad and got all starey. I didn't think anything of it until you both started acting weird"

Bucky nodded slowly as he remembered "fucking Johnnie Walker man, I can't remember telling you that"

Celeste unlinked her fingers from his and folded her arms at him "So I've been worried ALL this time when you and your big mouth told him the first day you met me?!"

He laughed and shrugged his shoulders
"I guess so"

Jas let out a noise that was crossed between choking on her wine and laughing. Celeste.looked at her for support but she raised her hands not wanting to get involved.

"I guess so?! James! I...ugh. So you're okay with this?" She questioned Steve

"Why wouldn't I be? I mean, sure I wish you had told me when I asked you. I just want to see you happy Ce, that's what you moved here for right?" He round the island and stood Infront of her. "he's my best friend, if there's anyone I would choose for you it would be him"

James smiled at the sentiment before Steve turned to him "but if you hurt her remember that time I beat you up in front of the training team"

Buckys smile dropped from his face "keep it down Rodgers it happened one time!"

"But all the questions you asked me..."

"I was just trying to drag it out of you, Sam saw the whole thing with Chad at the bar the other night and that just kinda made it obvious. But I'm glad it was you who punched him, and not Buck"

Red - Bucky Barnes x OCWhere stories live. Discover now