Chapter 25.

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Six days.

Six more days have passed and I still haven't heard from Hayden at all.

The first day, I had work to distract me from my thoughts of him during the day and when I got home Reign was there to keep me occupied. We went shopping, we talked for hours about our old memories as we looked through photo albums drinking wine. I didn't spend too much time thinking about him, I continued on with my day. Only a few times I wondered; what is he doing right now, how is he, where is he.

The second day, I kept checking my phone. I thought he would just call or even text me. I didn't have much time to be on the phone while I was working, but surely when I was on lunch break and when I had a free moment, I was checking my phone for a missed call. But to my disappointment there was never a missed call from him. By the time I got home, my phone didn't leave my hand for a second and I jumped every time my phone buzzed. I went from checking my phone every hour to every second until I went to sleep.

The third day, I cried. I cried so fucking hard. I was hurt that he didn't call me. I think the reality hit me this day. I knew he wasn't going to call me back. I was left wondering 'Why won't he call me?' 'What did I do wrong?' I even made up some answers. Maybe I was so bad that he doesn't want anything to do with me and he never wants to see me again. Maybe he's so busy with work that he doesn't have time for anyone else. Maybe he just doesn't like me and I was just another girl for him to fuck. Yeah, the last answer made me cry harder. I cried myself to sleep.

The fourth day, it was Reign's last day, she told me she didn't want to leave me in my current state. I told her I was fine though I was anything but. The minute she left to go to the airport I cried more. I felt used and like the one thing I never wanted to be; a sex toy. I broke my promise to my mother, Hayden wasn't the one for me. I looked past all of things he did to show me that he wasn't the one because of my feelings for him. I really like him and it hurts that he doesn't feel the same way about me. I would never wish to take my first time with him away, I just wish it ended differently. I wish he felt the same way about me as I did him.

The fifth day, I was in rage. I didn't want a phone call from him. I called him an asshole and wanted nothing to do with him. He didn't bother calling me or coming to see me. He didn't care about me. He fucked me over. What type of person sleeps—no, fucks a girl then never talks to her again? Then it hit me. Hayden Stymest is this kind of person. He fucks a girl and never speaks to her again. He doesn't sleep with them, he fucks them. That's what he told me. This is when I got angrier because I realized I was an idiot. But I was angry at myself more than with him. I let him do this to me. He asked me so many times if I was sure and I said yes. He knew he was going to leave me before he even fucked me. I just gave him permission to screw me over.

And today, today is the sixth day. I still haven't heard from him. I just want answers. Why would he do this to someone? I believe, after everything that happened, the least he can do for me is give me some answers. I don't want to say goodbye without knowing exactly why I'm saying goodbye to him.

I knock lightly on the door, still deciding if I should just leave or stay. If I leave, I won't get any of the answers I'm looking for. But if I stay, I worry that I'll fall into another one of his traps.

The door opens but instead of seeing Hayden, I was greeted by the girl from Hayden's party. What is she doing here with Hayden?

Well now I know why Hayden has never called me back. He's preoccupied with this slut, Lina. I don't even know if she's a slut, but I really don't like her so that's what I will call her for now. Slut shaming at its finest.

"Hi, Alice right?"

"Yes, you're Lina?"

"Hayden talks about me to you too huh? He's been talking about you non-stop since he first met you at the bar. I probably know everything about you." She says laughing. Hayden talks to her about me?

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