Chapter 46.

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I decided not to go to Reign's mother's gala. It was that time of the month and I didn't want to be around people. Instead I stayed in the house all alone while Hayden went out with Collin. He invited me to join them but I declined. I get the feeling Collin doesn't like me very much and I wouldn't want to put a damper on their plans. So due to my own misfortunes I am alone and bored.

Hayden didn't really want to leave me here by myself, especially without Geoff or Wade, but I promised him that I will be safe and okay on my own.

I was going through my email when I saw one from Hayden. I didn't even know he had my email address.

From: Hayden Stymest
Subject: Child Abandonment Fund Date Auction
Date: August 2, 2014 15:30 pm
To: Alice Greene

Dear Miss Greene,

On September 1st, 2014 I will like for you to join me at the annual Child Abandonment Fund fundraiser. The Child Abandonment Fund is a charity that raises money for abandoned children and orphans all throughout the world. Each year, Spencer Byne and peers and volunteers, host a fundraising event, and this year is the date auction. Five volunteer bachelors and bachelorettes, will sell themselves to raise money for these helpless and defenseless children and orphans.

Child abuse, neglect, and abandonment is not something that should be taken lightly. In the US alone over 2.9 million reports of child abuse are made every year. In the year 2012, 1,593 children died because of neglect and abuse.

It would be an honor to have you join us on this special and fun night. We look forward to seeing you there. Thank you for your time and anything you can pledge.

For more information or to RSVP for the auction, please visit their website:

Hayden Stymest
CEO, Stymest Enterprises

This is the charity Hayden mentioned at David's black tie event. I click the link to RSVP for the event and after I input all of my information a popup appears on my screen. I begin to close the popup until I read it over.

Thank you for reserving your seat at the 2014 date auction, Alice Greene! If necessary, would you be willing to volunteer as a bachelor or bachelorette?

Being that I am with Hayden at the moment, I wouldn't completely qualify as a bachelorette. I haven't ever been married but I am in a committed relationship. But this is for a charity, and I would want to play a part in any way that I can. Surely Hayden will understand that.

I click the 'yes' button and it directs me to another page where I have to give them all of my information. My age, my ideal date, what I like to do in my spare time, etc. After filling in all of the answers I go down to the kitchen for a drink. Instead of doing something silly—like getting drunk again—I decide to drink water.

I tried thinking of what was done in my spare time before meeting Hayden. I did a lot of course work, that's a fact already known to me. But I'm no longer in school so I don't have any more work to do. On my computer there are loads of pages typed out for Dr. James research. Personally, I think I've done enough of that for one day. There's always the possibility of watching a movie, or going for a swim, or even playing the piano like I used to.

I was on my way back upstairs when a loud alarm rang all throughout the house. I looked around the stairs unsure of where to go now or how to disable the alarm.

I vaguely remember Hayden's security system, the one by the front door and the room designated for his security team. I turn back around going back down the smooth cherry wooden steps to go into the security room. Hayden never brought me inside of the room, he just told me what it was for. Navigating my way through his house I stand in front of the security door turning the knob, but it was locked.

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