The Crystal Lake

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(Y/n)'s POV

John was laughing while Eddy was throwing him in the lake's warm water. They were swimming while I was sitting on the shore. Cola, Mocca and Pepper were eating on a field which was close to us. I could see that Cola was happier than before since she had new friends which made me happy but the pain of my losses were still fresh in my mind. I sigh as I turn back to look at Eddy and John and smile little.

Before we could do anything about Freddy's body it was gone. Like it vanished in the thin air! We didn't question it for long. We needed to get Jason away before John could see him in that shape. Our parents came to see us after that night and were even more worried than before about us. We told them that there was nothing to be worried about and everything was resulted already which they didn't believe first but after a long time telling them to drop it, they accepted it.

Eddy decided to start help me around the farm while he still went to the town for work. He, however, but his last apartment for sale since he said that he wanted to move somewhere close. John was more happy about that since he didn't want to go back. Police wanted to know where his wife went but when we told them that she went to the old campsite, we could see that color draw away from their faces and they dropped it too. We just needed to tell John what happened to his mother but he was still too young.

"(Y/n)! Come have some fun!" Eddy suddenly yelled at me but I just smiled at him. "No thanks! Maybe later." Eddy had this sad look on his face before he just nodded and turned his attention back on John. I sigh as I wipe some tears that escaped from my eyes. I couldn't believe that he was gone! The pain of losing him was still so deep. I however didn't want to seem too sad since I needed to be strong for my family. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder which made me turn my head and smile.

"You're awake! Maybe you should get more rest." Jason shakes his masked face as he sits down next to me. His movements were still difficult because of the pain on his injuries. When he was seated comfortably, I rest my hand against his shoulder. "I'm so glad that you came back again. I don't know what would have happened if I lost you again." Jason wraps his arm around me and rubs my arm.

"Uncle Jason!" We turn to look at John who was waving at him. Jason lifts his other arm and waves back at him happily. I smile and press a kiss on his cheek. "I love you Jason." He turns to look at me again and puts his forehead against my forehead. I knew that his feelings were the same towards me. He suddenly lifted his mask upwards just so his lips would be revealed and he gave me a sweet little kiss.

I smile at the contact before he breaks it and I could see a happy smile on his lips. "You're so cute!" I say to him and press a kiss on his lips again. He tilts his head and I could hear quiet voice come past his lips which sounded like a happy laugh. "Come on." I say to him as I get up from the ground which made him look at me. He started to get up which I helped him with. He seemed to be grateful that I did that to him.

We walk to his cabin where we could visit his mother. When we went to get John back in my home we found the shrine. I knew that it was important to Jason so I had to accept it. Once Jason woke up from his rest, I told him that I knew about it. He was worried at first that it would be too weird for me but once he saw that I had tidied up the shrine and made sure that his mother was okay while he was gone for some time.

Once we get there Jason walked straight to his mother. It was so cute that he was so excited to see his mother. I understood that he was like that with her since she was so dear to him. Jason turns to look at me as to invite me to the shrine with him. I smile and walk up next to him. I take his hand and look at the head of Pamela Voorhees. "Hi Mrs. Voorhees. I hope you're well." I say to her which seemed to make Jason happy.

He suddenly jumped and motioned me to stay put. I laugh at his cuteness and just nod. "I won't go anywhere!" He walked out as fast as he could even if he limped his other leg. I turn to look at Pamela and see a flower next to her. I pick it up and put it behind her ear. I smile as I look at her. "You're beautiful Mrs. Voorhees!" I say to her with a smile. I wished that I could talk with her but somethings were just impossible.

I hear Jason come back which made me turn to look at him. He had a flower crown with him which made me smile. He puts it on my head which makes me so happy. "Thanks Jason. I love it." He suddenly drops to one knee and presents me with a ring that I think he made on his own. I look at him shocked as he just tilted his head. "Are you proposing to me?" He thinks for a moment before he just nods happily.

I feel my hear miss a beat as I start to cry. This seems to concern him which made me shake my head. "Yes Jason! I'm just so happy." This seemed to make him happy as he puts the ring to my finger and brings me to a tight hug. I couldn't believe that he was doing this to me but I was just so happy. I was so deeply in love with this undead murderer. I think he wanted his mother to see him proposing which made me cry even more. I knew that he was my one and only! And now we were tied together forever!

A/N time!

Hello again my dear readers!

So now Jason's little story is over. I loved to write this one too since Jason is just so adorable! I'm little sad that it came to an end but I was thinking about bringing Jason back. However, I was thinking that the next story about him will be little different than this one.

Thank you once again for being here with me during this journey. Stay safe and healthy!

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