Chapter 3

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Jason's POV

I see (Y/n) losing her consciousness, making her fall down on the ground. I quickly squat down next to her and pick her up in my arms bridal style. She looks so cute when she sleeps and I hug her. She's so warm against me and I love it. I get up and start walking away, but then I remember the boy. I turn back to look at him. I tilt my head and start thinking what I should do. Should I take him too? If I leave him here, (Y/n) would be sad and maybe even angry with me. I didn't want to make her angry! I reach for him, taking a hold on his collar and lift him from his collar. I lift him to my shoulder and start walking back to my cabin.

When I get back home, I go inside and take them to my bedroom. I put them on my bed then I lift my blanket on them and but my teddy bear next to (Y/n). I love that bear and maybe she will like it too when she wakes up. I move (Y/n)'s hair behind her ear from her face and look at her face closely. She became so pretty after all these years. I lower my masked face closer to her face and press my face against her cheek. It fills my heart start beating faster and I close my eyes from the comforting touch. She smells so nice! I get back up and sit on a chair in the corner of the room. I should wait for them to wake up.

After a long time, I hear a groan from the bed which makes me look up. The boy sits up and looks around the room, eyes filled with pain. He stops when he sees me and his eyes widen with fear. I get up and move closer to him to take a closer look at him. He tries to get away but then he looks at (Y/n). He goes closer to her and hugs her, hiding his face on her side. He seemed to be afraid. I stop by the bed and tilt my head from his actions. He looks at me but then hides his face again. "Auntie (Y/n). Please wake up!" He says with a voice filled with terror. I lift my hand and put it on his head, giving is head a little pat. He shakes more but after a while he stops shaking. He looks at me in fear but there's also curiosity filled in his eyes.

"W-who are you?" He asks and I tilt my head at his words. He didn't seem to be mean child but a curious one. I take the teddy bear from (Y/n) and offer it to him, giving it a little shake. He studies it first but then takes it. I tilt my head back up straight and just stare at him. "Can you talk?" He asks curiously and I shake my head quickly. This boy seems nice to me and maybe he could be my friend too! "My name is John. Can I call you umm... Hocky?" I think about the name but after thinking about it I nod. I think it's a nice nickname to me. He's little a hesitant at first but then starts to relax little. He talks with me for a while and I start liking this boy more and more.

After a while later we hear a new groan. (Y/n) starts to wake up and I get more excited but then hesitate little. What if she doesn't remember or recognize me? John seems to get more excited and gives her arm a little shake. "Auntie (Y/n)! You're finally awake." (Y/n) looks at John and gets up fast. "John! Are you hurt?" She starts looking him around, making John only laugh at her actions. "Auntie, I'm okay! I just talked with Hocky." (Y/n) looks at him, confusion written on her face. "Hocky? Who's that?" John looks at me, giving me a smile and points towards me. "He's behind you." (Y/n) stops at that and slowly looks at me. I can feel that she is suddenly really tense. I look at her eyes and see the terror fill them. "Jason, she doesn't recognize you. Make her remember" Mommy says, making me understand her reaction. I lift my hand towards her face. She tries to back away but I put my hand on her cheek and put my other hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down the same way I used to do when we were younger.

She looks at me in confusion, her eyes traveling up and down on my figure. I tilt my head to the side and rub my thumb on her soft skin. I used to rub her cheeks almost all the time when we were younger. I really liked to do that to her cheeks. She lifts her hand on my mask to touch the rough material of it and looks deeply into my eyes. Her (e/c) orbs are studying my brown ones. Suddenly I see her eyes widen and she puts her other hand on the other side of my mask, rubbing it softly which makes me feel happy. "It can't be..." She says and I lean in her other hand, waiting her to continue patiently. "Jason? Is that really you?" She asks and I give her a nod. I missed her so so much and now she's here with me. I'm not going to let her go anymore.

(Y/n)'s POV

I can't believe it. Jason is still alive! I smile at him, giving him a big strong hug. I hold him like if he was going to disappear if I let go of him. "Jason! Oh my god! I've missed you so much!" I can feel tears in my eyes and they make their way down my cheeks. I was crying from happiness for the first time in forever and I liked it! He puts his forehead against mine, giving me small little whines. I smile from his touch but then John tugs on my shirt. I remove my face from Jason's face and turn around to look at him. "Do you know him Auntie?" He asks with curiosity filling his voice and I give him a smile and a couple of nods. "Yeah, his name is Jason. He's my old friend." John nods and then smiles again. "Nice to meet you Jason! But I liked the name Hocky more." Jason waves at him and I smile at their cuteness. But then I feel my heart stop when I realized what happened back at the camp site. How could I forget!

"Oh my god! Cola and Brownie! We need to find them!" I get up fast, making my own vision spin for a file while Jason and John look at me but then John shots up too. "But Auntie. How can we find them? They can be anywhere!" I start to feel tears fill my eyes. I don't want anything bad to happen to them! "I know but we need to try! What if they meet a pack of wolves or a bear? Or hurt themselves?" Jason walks to me and wipes the tears from my eyes, making little whimpering noises as to calm me down. He moves to the door, motions us to follow him. I nod, taking John's hand and we start to follow him wherever he was taking us.

After what felt like hours of fallowing Jason around, he leads us to a big meadow. I can see Cola and Brownie eating grass happily and I sighed in relief. I release John's hand and crouch in front of him taking a hold on his shoulders. "I'll get them. You stay here with Jason okay?" He nods and I get up, turning to Jason giving him a smile. "Can you watch him for a while." Jason nods eagerly, patting John's head which makes me smile wider. I start walking to the meadow, trying not to scare the horses. "Cola! Brownie! There you are. Are you okay?" They look at me for a while but then Brownie runs up to me and leans his head on my shoulder. I pet his head, smiling widely. He has always been little more friendly than Cola. Cola looks at us but then walks to us still little scared. I hop on Brownie's back and ride over to Cola, not scaring her if I approach her alone. I take her bridle straps and tie them to Brownie's saddle. I ride back over to Jason and John but when the horses see Jason, they go happily to him.

When we're riding back home I start thinking this situation over again. My old friend, who was assumed dead was alive after all this time. At the campsite earlier, he was covered in blood and he had a bloody machete in his hand. The girl said someone was chasing her in the forest and I believe that Jason was chasing her for some reason. I was really happy to meet him again but I haven't seen him in long time and I don't know what he became after all these years. He was shy and loving when he was younger, so I don't think he will harm us. I just need to get to know the new Jason.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now