Chapter 14

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(Y/n)'s POV

Working on the farm was getting more difficult without good night sleep. Thankfully Jason was correcting every mistake I made right after me. I almost didn't feed Brownie or Cola and I felt horrible because of that. I leaned against the fence as Jason was giving food to sheep and cows that were outside. I said that wouldn't be necessary but he really wanted to feed them from his hands. It didn't go as planned especially with the sheep which only ran away from his towering form.

His new tactic was to stand still and wait for the animals to come to him. He was patient enough so he could just stand there the whole day. I was thinking that he was going to give up when one sheep came to him and ate from his hand. When the sheep went away Jason turned to look at me, happiness filling his form. "I think they start to warm up to you." I say to him with a little smile. He claps his hands excitedly that the animals finally weren't as afraid of him as before.

"Let's get Brownie and Cola outside. They should run around to burn some energy." I say to him as I start walking towards the stable. I yawned when I got inside the stable but then I feel Jason put his hand on my shoulder. He gives it a little rub and I put my other hand on his. "Don't worry. I'm not going to fall asleep now." I say to him but he shook his head. "You don't have to worry about me." I say to him as I open the gate so the horses can go outside.

I turn to look at Jason who was looking at the road leading to the house. I try to see what he was looking and see that Eddy's car was coming here. I was feeling little confused that he would come back here but then I turn to look at Jason and start to panic. "Jason! You need to hide." I say to him and start pushing him towards one of the rooms where I store the equipment for horses. He could still look outside if he wanted from one of the windows but Eddy wouldn't see him as easily.

Jason looks at me, sadness filling his eyes. "I'm sorry but you need to hide. I don't want Eddy to freak out because of you." I give him a quick hug as an apology. "I'll make you pancakes later because of this." I say to him and he only huffs and sits down on one of the tables. He crossed his arms against his chest and I understand that he was angry at me. "I'll be right back." I say to him and give his masked forehead a kiss.

I get out of the room and close the door behind me. "(Y/n)!" I hear Eddy scream outside. He sounded to be furious and I was starting to think that he was going to murder me. Which would be ironic because I had a real undead killer in my stable waiting for me to come back so I could give him pancakes. "Hello?" I say to him as I walk over to him which got his attention. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" He says to me as he walks over.

"What did I do now?" I ask from him. He sends me a hateful glare when he stops in front of me. "John can't stop talking about Jason and some guy named Freddy! He hasn't slept all night and it seems that same happened to you too!" He yells at my face and I stop for a moment. Freddy went in John's dreams?! "Eddy! John is in danger. Freddy can seriously hurt him." I say to him but he only shakes his head. "You're a lunatic you know! At first you claim that Jason is alive even when he has been dead for years! Years (Y/n)!" He says waving his hands around like a maniac.

"You don't know what you are talking about!" He laughs at my words and shakes his head. "You are out of your mind! (Y/n) I love you but you are losing your mind with these animals! You live here all alone. It's not healthy!" He yells again but I shake my head. "I'm fine even if I'm alone here which I'm not." I say to him but he only huffs angrily. "Our entire family is worried about you. You are not married and soon it's too late for you because you spend all your time with these animals!"

I look at him dumbfounded but then a laugh makes its way out of my throat. He gets this annoyed look on his face. "Is that the reason why you are worried? Because I'm not married?" He shakes his head again. "You have been mourning that retard since you found out that he drowned. You need to get over it and move on!" He yells and I only look at him angrily. "You don't know what the hell you are talking about so shut up!" I yell at him and start to walk towards the stable.

"You should go. I really don't want to see you right now." I say to him but I only hear his car door open and close quickly. "I'm taking care of your problem for you." I hear him say which makes me turn around. What was he talking about? I stop when I see a hunting rifle in his arms. "What are you doing with that?" I say to him. He has always been little too swift to anger. "Shut up." He says as he starts to walk towards the field were the horses are. "Eddy!" I yell after him.

To my horror he lifts the rifle and points it at Brownie. "Eddy stop!" I yell to him and run over there. I wrap my hand around the rifle's barrel and start to move it so he couldn't get a clear shot. I started to whistle to alarm the horses so they would run farther away from the gun. "(Y/n) let go!" He yells as he pushes my chest harshly. I fall to the ground, my back hitting it hard. I groan at the pain on my lower back. I hear a gunshot right next to me and I open my eyes to look in the field.

Thankfully I see that Cola and Brownie both were still running away from the noise so he must have missed. "What is wrong with you! Leave them alone!" I yell at him, tears filling my eyes. He was going to kill my horses because of me! "Just shut up!" He yells at me as takes another bullet from his pocket. "Please! Stop trying to hurt them!" I yell at him as I get up from the ground so I could stop him again but that doesn't stop his attack. He reloads the gun again and points at them, the loud nose of the rifle reaches my ears which makes me scream.

"There that should teach you a lesson." He snaps at me which makes me stop and turn around to look at the field. I could see that Brownie was laying on the ground, trying to get up while screaming from the pain. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I scream at him and jump over the fence to run over to my poor horse. "(Y/n) wait!" I hear Eddy scream after me as I just run over to the field to see where he shot Brownie. Hot tears of betrayal were streaming down my cheeks as the thought that my own brother had killed something so important to me.

"My poor baby!" I yell as I finally reach him. There was blood coming from a wound on his chest, his breathing was rapid from the pain. He was still kicking the air, trying to run away from the pain. He looked so helpless right now... while he was dying. "(Y/n)!" I hear Eddy snap right behind me. I get back up and start to run back to the house. I needed to get a vet here right now! My journey was cut short when Eddy took a hold of my hair and forced me down on the ground. "Stop!" He says to me, anger boiling in his voice.

"I-I need to g-get a vet here!" I yell at him with shaky voice but then he just slapped me. The pain in my cheek was unbearable. He just had to slap the same cheek Jason did to wake me up. "You aren't calling anyone." He snarled at me while the tears were blurring my eyes. I could hear Brownie's painful neighs changes softer and more silent. "P-please!" I scream at my brother who was just standing there while holding me down.

After what were the most awful moments of my life Brownie stopped kicking the air and went silent. He was just laying there completely still, like he was just sleeping. Eddy finally let go of me and I immediately ran up to Brownie. Those once beautiful lively eyes were dull like they were glass now. "No..." I whisper and pet his still warm cheek. "I-I'm so sorry my boy." I whisper to him, trying to comfort him while I knew that he wasn't there anymore. I lean my head to his head, giving his temple kisses like I used to do when he was still alive.

"You should forget the farm and move back to the city. You aren't going to get any younger and you should already use your body to something useful." He says coldly as he starts to walk back to his car. "I'll bring John here in two weeks because we have another trip coming and we don't want him to come with us." He says while stopping, turning to look at me over his shoulder. "You tell him that your other horse ran away with wild horses or I'm going to hire someone else the hunt down the other one which got away." He snapped and continues his journey back to his car.

I pet Brownie while I see Eddy disappear behind the forest line with his car. "I'm sorry I c-couldn't protect you. T-there is no pain for you anymore." I say to Brownie, still petting his soft fur. I hear heavy footsteps behind me and I turn my head to look over my shoulder at Jason. He was looking at Brownie, shock clear through the mask. "He k-killed him." I whisper to Jason, trying to not break down again.

Jason kneels down next to me and takes a hold on my shoulders. He gives me a tight hug. I hear him whimper with me. I start to sob against his chest, while he was whining. "I d-didn't k-k-know that h-he would do t-that!" I sob against him. Jason gives my back a gentle rub and shakes his head. I'm sure he didn't expect that either. His mask was pressed against my cheek as he was comforting me silently. I cried my heart out for him while he was just holding me tightly.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now