Chapter 15

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Jason's POV

It was awful to look at (Y/n) when she was in pain. It must be horrible to lose a pet. She was still just sitting next to Brownie while still petting his already cold fur. I in the other hand was digging a hole next to them where Brownie could rest forever. (Y/n) said that she wanted to bury him so I wanted to make her little happier by digging up the whole. I wanted to ask if she wanted to keep his head like I did with mommy's head but I think she doesn't want that.

I finish digging the grave and I turn to look at the edge. Lifting myself up from a grave wasn't new to me and when I get out, I put the shovel down on the floor. I walk back over to (Y/n) who was still upset and I crouch down behind her and put my hand on her back, giving it a gentle rub. Oh how I wished I could talk with her right now so I could comfort her better. She turns her head to look at me, her eyes were red and puffy from the crying which made my undead heart break for her. She seemed to be so sad. Cry like that for me when I died long time ago?

"I can't believe that he would k-kill my horse like that." She says, her voice sounding weak and tired. She wiped her eyes from some of the tears. I wrap my arms around her to give her a tight hug. She started to cry again and hugged me back. Her arms were clinging to me like her life depended on it. "I'm so tired Jason." She whispers to me while crying quietly against my chest. I send her a sad look and shake my head. She couldn't go to sleep right now when she was upset and scared.

She pushed herself away from me which made me scared that she was angry at me. "Let's put him to rest." She says as she gets up from the ground. When she stands up, she almost falls back on the ground. She must have been in the same pose for a long time so her legs fell asleep at some point. "Can you help me?" She asks when she looks at me with a sad look. I nod quickly at her words. There was no way she could move the horse all by herself.

She tries to lift him up but he's way too heavy for her. I don't want her to break anything in her delicate body so I just put my hand on her shoulder. She turns to look at me as I shake my head. "What?" She asks, confusion written on her sad voice. I crouch down and take a hold on Brownie's front legs. I lift him up to my shoulders with a grunt. He was surely heavy but I could manage. (Y/n) looks at me with wide eyes as I walk to the grave. He didn't feel that heavy when I was standing straight.

I stop at the grave and jump down there. I gently put him down in his final resting place and leave right after so I wouldn't disturb his sleep. How many times have I been resting in a shallow grave since I died? I take the shovel and start to throw the dirt on him. (Y/n) was just standing there, while looking at me with tears in her eyes as I filled Brownie's final resting place with the cold dirt. I hope he didn't feel too lonely there. "I'm sorry." I hear (Y/n) whisper as new tears were forming in her eyes. Was she blaming herself even when her brother was the one who shot him?

After filling the grave I just look at (Y/n) for a while. Have I ever been on a funeral before? I couldn't remember that. Has she been? A cold shiver suddenly run through me. Was she even at my funeral when I died? If they even had one for me or mommy. Did I even deserve a proper funeral? I hear something behind me and I turn to look that it was Cola. She was looking at us silently like she knew that her friend wasn't here anymore.

"Poor Cola." (Y/n) says as she walks over to her. She wraps her arms around the horse's face. Cola was just standing there while (Y/n) was petting her head and giving her soft face little kisses. "You can't see Brownie anymore. But don't worry, you'll see him again one day when your time to go comes." She says to her as she starts to cry again. I whine next to her and put my hand on her back so she would feel little better.

"Let's get her back to the stable so she can rest somewhere where she's safe." She says as she takes a hold on the horses bridle. I walk next to her as we made our way back to the stable. Other animals on the field seemed to be alarmed but not running around the place like some of my victims do when they see or hear something horrible. "I think this was punishment." She suddenly said and I turn my gaze to look at her. "I let you k-kill those t-teens so it must be because of that." She says and I look at her surprised.

I put my hand on her shoulder and stop her. She looks at me with a tired look and sadness filling her eyes. I shake my head as I point at her. I was the one that killed those teens, not her so this isn't a punishment for her because of that! She looks at me as I point at myself and nod. Those deaths were my fault and would always be. If anyone was responsible for Brownie's death it would be me.

It was my fault that John got hurt. A victim escaped from me and scared them so they fell from the horse's backs. It was my fault that John told his father about me. It was my fault that Freddy was after the both of them. If I would have stayed dead when I drowned in the cold dark water of Crystal Lake nothing like this would have happened. (Y/n) and her brother would have a nice relationship and Brownie would be still running around the field with his friends.

"Jason..." She says as she let's go from Cola's bridle. She gives me a tight hug as I wrap my arms around her form to comfort her. "I love you big guy." She whispers and I feel a smile force its way on my face. I wished that I could talk to her normally and say the same to her without the big guy part. She was more like little princess. She breaks the hug and takes a hold on Cola's bridle to lead her again towards the stable. I walk quickly after her. I wanted to tell her that I loved her too but I still didn't know if she just loved me as a friend. And that was enough for me right now.

When we get to the house, Benny was looking at us from the porch. He seemed to be little alarmed about something and when we came close enough, he started to growl loudly. Cola started to get alarmed too and she started to neigh nervously. "What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked from Cola who turned to look at me. There was a strange look in the horse's eyes was full of panic and fear. Suddenly she just kicked me without any hesitation.

"Cola!" I hear (Y/n) yell as she starts to pull her towards the stable while running. I look at just my chest which was little crushed from the kick but it didn't hurt that much. I was more confused than anything. (Y/n) takes Cola away in the safety of the stables. I had the funny feeling when I was standing there. Like I knew that something was very wrong. Benny was still growling at me so I turn to look at him. Maybe Freddy's powers were little different on animals?

(Y/n) runs up to me. She looked to be really worried as she stopped right in front of me. "A-are you okay?" She asked a she was looking at my chest. Her face wasn't tired anymore but the tiredness was replaced with worry and fear. "She got you good on that kick." She says as she was still looking at my injuries which didn't hurt me at all anymore. I stop her and point at Benny. She looks at me for a while but then she just turns around to look at Benny. "Benny, enough." She orders and he whines loudly and then just hides his teeth away.

"What the hell is happening?" She asked, confusion written on her voice. Benny walked over to us, his tail was between his legs in fear. "What's wrong boy? You know Jason. He wouldn't do anything bad to us." She whispers to the dog, who sat down right in front of her. He looked at me sheepishly and I crouch next to him to show that I wasn't a threat to him. He gets up and walks over to me, trying to keep his form as small as possible.

Benny sits in front of me and starts to cry again. I pet his head and he pushes himself against me like cats do to their owners. He seemed to be happy again, which made me feel relieved that he wasn't scared of me anymore. "Do you think it's Freddy?" I turn my gaze to look at her, but then shrug my shoulders. I really didn't know, but it could be him or something else. (Y/n) nods and rubs her biceps with her hands. Was she cold? I could give her my jacket if she wanted that.

"Let's get inside. I feel little cold." She says and I nod and get up. Benny ran up to the front door to waits to get inside. (Y/n) looked at me and she seemed to be little embarrassed. "Umm... Jason, can I ask you something?" She asks from me and I automatically nodded at her words. She could ask me anything she wanted. "Could you please stay here this night? I-I don't w-want to be alone this n-night." She says sheepishly.

I nod at her again and lean to press my masked face against her forehead. I wasn't going to leave her stay here all alone at the night. She could easily have a nightmare tonight if she fell asleep. But she needed a good night sleep so she would stay healthy and I think I found a solution in this problem. She was going to sleep tonight but I'll sleep with her. I know that we could share a dream if we sleep at the same time, so I could protect her in her dreams from that demon. She wasn't going to die in that demons hands because of me. I wasn't going to let that happen.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now