Chapter 22

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Jason's POV

(Y/n) was taking care of the plants with John as I was taking care of the animals. Thankfully all the animals on the farm were nice to me and now they loved to have some pets from me. But I liked the sheep the most because they are so fluffy. (Y/n) showed me how to shear them. She was so good at that while my work was sometimes little sloppy, after which the sheep usually looked little weird but that got a smile on (Y/n) and John's faces so I think I did a good job.

I look over to the field where they were. (Y/n) was picking something from the plants while John was watering them. Thankfully they slept last night so they had enough energy for today. And the sooner I got rid of Freddy the better their health would be. John picked up a worm and shows it to (Y/n) who smiled widely and laughed with the little boy. I tilted my head as I was looking at her smile. She was so pretty when she was happy. I leaned down onto the fence as I was staring at them. That was my family.

(Y/n) turned to look at me and sends me a loving smile. "Are you ready Jason?" She yells at me and I quickly nod at her. Doing the farm work together was so much faster and we had some time to hang out together. John runs over to the fence and tries to climb over it. "John, be careful!" I hear (Y/n) yell after him but I pick him to the other side before he could hurt himself. I didn't want him to get hurt!

He wraps his arms around my neck and gives me a tight hug. "Thanks Uncle Jason." He says which almost melted my undead heart. I was going to do anything for this little boy! (Y/n) walks over to the fence and she jumps over it without any problems. Years of practice was showing in her movements. She was good at this but fighting was something she didn't know yet. But I was going to teach her when I learn how much she can take. I wasn't going to hurt her.

"What do you two want to do now?" She asks from us and John turns to look at her happily. "Can we do smoothies or milkshakes?" He asks and (Y/n) smiles widely at him. "Of course! Would you like to have one too Jason?" I nod quickly at her words. Who wouldn't want to have a smoothie? Even if I was dead there was no way I would deny an icy treat! "Then it's settled!" She pats my shoulders as she starts to walk towards the house.

I walk right behind her with John in my arms. I hoped that his parents would never come and pick him up. He should stay here with us! He was my family like mommy and (Y/n). "Jason, are you okay?" John suddenly asked which caught my attention. I turn to look at him and nod. I didn't want to scare them by my little possessive behavior. (Y/n) smiled to me and leaned to give my mask a little kiss.

"Let's get inside." I look around the farm to see that Benny was running around the field where the animals were. He seemed to be searching for something. "Benny! Come here!" John yells to the dog who stops and turns to look at us. He started to bark and run towards the house. I put John down who opened his arms to the dog who almost ran John over but slowed down just in time. John started to laugh and hug the dog.

"Aww so cute!" (Y/n) says happily as she opens the door. John and Benny got in but (Y/n) stopped me in my tracks. "John. Go to the living room and watch something on the TV. I need to talk with Jason." I almost feel like dying right at this spot. What if (Y/n) doesn't want me to get inside of the house ever again and she wanted to talk about that to me?! I don't know what I was going to do if she says that!

John stops and looks at us for a while but then he just nods. "Okay. See you soon." He said as he closed the door behind himself. I try to seem as small as possible so she wouldn't be too angry with me. I was scared to lose her and John and I was hoping that my instinct was wrong. She looks at me for a while until a smile forms on her face. "I wanted to have a little chat with you. It's not bad."

I was instantly relieved that she wasn't angry with me. I focus only to her pretty face as I was waiting for her to continue. "I'm so glad that you are here to help me. It means a lot." I feel all giddy inside because of her. I loved all the praise she was giving me! "So thank you." She whispers to me as she leans towards my face and places a kiss on it. I feel suddenly hot as I lean my face towards her.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now