Chapter 2

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Jason's POV

After midnight I walk over to (Y/n)'s stable. I open the door and go inside. The horses lift their heads to look at me. I walk over to them and tilt my head in wonder. They weren't the same horses she had when we were little. The black one came closer to me and I lifted my hand to it. I remember that (Y/n) told me that horses needed to sniff new people but I can't remember why. Maybe they can smell friendly people?

The horse puts its muzzle on my hand and smells my hand closely. I lift my other hand and start petting its head. It felt nice to pet a horse again after long time. It closes its eyes and the other horse comes closer too to take a closer look at us. I lift my petting hand to the other horse and it smells my other hand. I was so happy because I got two new animal friends and these animal friends were cute! I look around and see two blankets. Maybe they were cold? I didn't want my new friends to get sick!

I walk over to the blankets and take them. I go back to the horses and open the door to their stall. I go inside with them but they don't seem to mind at all. I put the blankets on them and pet their manes. (Y/n) always had the cutest animals when we were younger. Maybe she will appreciate that I but the blankets on them? I walk back to the door and go out. I wave at the horses, before leaving. I'll come back later and see if she likes that. I walk outside and walk over to the cabin. From the window I can see the dog sleeping on the couch. Maybe (Y/n) sleeps upstairs?

"Jason, my sweet boy, there are campers on your territory. Go and take care of them before they find me or find a way to (Y/n)!" I nodded and start walking back to the campsite. Why are they always coming to my territory? I just want to be alone with mommy and (Y/n). I feel anger boiling in me. My blood starts running through my veins as I was getting ready to hunt. I always liked to hunt those campers. I liked to make mommy proud.

(Y/n)'s POV

Next morning I woke up right before sun rise. I get up from the bed with a yawn and go to the bathroom. I do my morning routine, get in the shower, brush my teeth and hair and get dressed. After that I go down the hall and walk to the guestroom where John is sleeping. I peek inside and see him fast asleep on his bed. I smile and close the door. He can sleep a couple more hours then I had to get him up.

I walk downstairs and see Benny sleeping on the couch. He's living like a king right now. He really loves sleeping on that couch. I walk over to him and I put my hand on his head. "Benny-Venny time to wakey wakey. I'm sure you had your beauty sleep. We have things to do." Benny huffs loudly but then he got up yawning loudly. He does his stretching but then jumps down all excited. I laugh at that and pet his head.

"Before breakfast lets go and see if the horses are awake." Benny runs to the front door and I put on my boots. We exit the house and start walking to the stable. The sunrise here was breathtaking. "Are you excited because the other animals will be here today?" Benny only barks on that and runs over to the stable. We get in the stable and I look at the horses.

I stare at them for a moment. There were blankets on both of them and they look so happy. Did John come here at night and put the blankets on them? I take the blankets off of them and they don't seem to be so happy. "Well you guys were nice and warm for the night. Did you sleep well?" I smile at them, walking to get them some hay. I check if they have enough water. I look at one empty stall.

I was going to get another horse in the future. I was also thinking making a little camp here where children can come to meet different kind of animals. I was getting today cows and sheep but later I want to get chickens, ducks and rabbits. I'm going to grow some wheat and vegetables in my fields. I smile at the though of my own little farm so close at the Crystal Lake. Maybe sometime John and I can go and take a swim there?

After feeding the horses and making sure that their hoofs were healthy. When I get back to the house, I start making breakfast. When I'm making eggs and bacon, I look over to Benny who is sitting there in patience. "Go and wake John up. After we eat you can get your breakfast and what's left over from ours." Benny barks and runs upstairs to get John. I put food on John's plate when I hear footsteps upstairs. I smile when John appears to the kitchen to sit by the table.

"Morning Johnny. Did you sleep well?" He sits down and starts eating his food. "Yes, I'm just little tired." I hum and ruffle his hair. "Yeah I know. It's different to be here than in the city. Would you mind helping me with the animals today? Later we can go horseback riding if you want to." John smiles at me, nodding eagerly. "You aren't going to tell my mom that I was on a horse? She's going to be mad if she finds out." I smile and start eating my breakfast. "I won't if you tell them that the food I made was delicious." John starts laughing and nodding. "I will! I just want to try riding. Can I ride Brownie?" I giggle and pat his head. "Sure you can ride him! But he can be a little handful."

After breakfast I feed Benny and John goes to do his morning routine. Later that day we go and take care of the horses. In the evening they bring the other animals, so rest of the evening was busy. We went horseback riding around the old campsite. It was run down after it was abandoned. John looked around in wonder while I look at the lake. So that was Jason's final resting place. The lake looks so beautiful but I only think about how scared he had to be when he drowned.

"What is this place?" John asked as he looked around. His question made me jump a little because I wasn't expecting that. "Uhh... well this was a campsite called Camp Crystal Lake. It's closed right now after something bad happened here." John looks at me in excitement. "What happened here? Please tell me! I'll be good for the rest of the day and tomorrow!" I look at him in and sigh. "Well a young boy drowned here long time ago. After that his mother did bad things to other people and well... now the place is closed. End of the story."

I climb down from Cola's back and I take her bridle. I lead her forward while looking around the ground so the horses won't hurt themselves. John rides close behind me. "What did the mother do?" He asked with fear in his voice. I look up, seeing a campfire that seemed to be fresh. Somebody was here recently. I step back and turn around. "We need to go back." I hop on Cola's back and John turns Brownie around and we start heading back. "Why? What's happening?" Suddenly I hear someone scream behind us. I turn my head and see a woman running towards us. "Help me please! He's coming!" The horses get spooked and start running through the forest back home.

"John! Hold on and get head down!" I see that he's trying to hold on but he isn't strong enough. He falls off of Brownies back and I feel my heart stop. I jump off of Cola's back when I can't stop her and I hit the ground hard. I feel the pain on my right side and I think I'm going to pass out because of the pain. It feels so unreal right now, like I was having a dream. As I lift my head I see John laying there. I feel the fear coming back. No this can't be happening!

I get up and walk over to John. I sit down when I'm next to him and I start shaking him, trying to make him wake up but get interrupted by a blood-curdling scream from the campsite. I feel my heart start beating faster, panic floating through my veins and I shake him even harder. "John! Please wake up! We need to go right now!" He doesn't respond and I try to lift him up but I can't get a good grip on him because of the pain in my side. I hear heavy footsteps behind me and feel my heart sink. I slowly turn my head, sweat running down my face and take a look what was behind me.

There is a tall muscular man with worn clothes. He hasblood all over him and in his right arm he has a bloody machete. There wasblood dripping from the weapon, coloring the leaves on the ground with blood. Ilook at his face where he wears an old hockey mask. He's breathing heavily ashe looks at me. He tilts his head and I start shaking in fear. I feel like Icouldn't breathe at all. "I-I'm so s-sorry sir. You c-can do w-whatever youwant w-with me b-but please l-leave h-him alone." He tilts his head to theother side and reaches out his hand towards me. This is too much for me and Ilose my consciousness when he tries to touch me.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now