Chapter 19

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Jason's POV

It was a day that I never thought that this would happen. I, Jason Voorhees, was playing hide and seek! After Mrs. (L/n) left John wanted to play hide and seek. I was glad that I could help him with that dream demon but strangely, he didn't appear in John's dreams. I was little alarmed at first but then I was glad that he left the little boy alone. Maybe he had something better to do or something else to hunt? "Jason!" I hear John's voice yell not too far away.

I try to make myself as smalls as possible while I was hiding behind a pile of hay. Sneaking around and hiding was something that I was used to do but this was fun! "Jason!" I hear him yell again and I can't help but to laugh silently. When I was younger (Y/n) was the only one that wanted to play with me and it has been years since I last time played with someone. I hear John's light footsteps approach me which makes me alarmed.

"I know that you are here!" He yells while laughing and I was proud of him. He was a good tracker! "When I get you I'm going to give you a big hug!" He says again which made me almost get out of my hiding spot and reveal myself. I loved his and (Y/n)'s hugs. They reminded me of my mommy's hugs. And most importantly, I loved to return their hugs and affection. I hear John's footsteps right on the other side of the hay. "Jason?" I hear him say right before I hear him jump on the pile which makes me turn to look at him.

"I found you!" He says happily and I quickly pull him in my arms so I can give him a tight hug. He hugs me back. "Let's go to auntie! I'll show her that I found you!" He says and I quickly nod. I get up and start walking out of the stable. (Y/n) was making sure that everything was okay with the other animals and all the plants she had here. I was going to help her but she told me to watch over John which I did. I felt little horrible that I left her do all the things all by herself but she insisted that I have fun.

I see that (Y/n) was brushing Cola's mane. She had a little smile on her face but I could still see some sadness in her eyes. "Auntie look! I found Jason!" John yells which gets her attention. She turns to look at us with a big smile. "That's good! I'm so proud of you!" She says happily which makes me nod with her. It was something that I thought! I put John down and he runs over to (Y/n) and gives her a hug. "Can I go on Cola's back?" He asks which seems to make (Y/n) little sad.

"I'm sorry little one but no. Cola is too tall for you." John looks at her with confusion written on his face. "But she is shorter than Brownie." He says but (Y/n) shakes his head. "I'm sorry little one. Maybe some other time?" (Y/n) adds and John nods. "Okay, but can we eat some soup today?" She laughs at his question. "If soup is something you want we're going to eat that!" She says to him happily. I liked soup when mommy made it and I'm sure that the soup she makes is as good!

"Can Jason eat too?" He asks and (Y/n) smiles with that sweet smile. "Of course he can! He's always welcome to eat with us." She says and takes my hand in hers. I lean towards her and press my mask against her cheek. Her cheeks turn little darker which makes me smile behind my mask. She was so cute! "Aww thanks Jason." She says as she gives my masked nose a kiss. I hear John laugh little at our affection. "That's so yucky!" He says as he sticks his tongue out.

I laugh little at his words. I was one like that but now that I was older, I didn't think it was that yucky anymore. "Oh wait till the day that you find that one person that will spin your head around so badly that you don't know how to think straight!" She says to him which gets my attention. I loved her like that but what if I didn't make her feel that way? I try to look at her body language but I can't read her. "So are you hungry already?" She asks and John nods happily.

"I'll go and makes something to eat but I have a secret mission for the both of you." John seems to be as excited as I am. I have never been on a secret mission before! "Take Benny with you and go and see if you can find any pretty flowers in the forest. You two going to make the most beautiful bouquet of flowers that anyone has ever seen!" I knew where those kind of flowers were! I nod and point at the forest. "John, stay close to Jason the whole time you go there. He's the captain. You are the vice-captain and Benny is the sailor."

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now