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Third POV


"Bokuto we can't just leave appa here! We have to take him with us" Akaashi says running towards the field.

"We've been here long enough." Bokuto says sternly eyes in front.

"B-but this is our home! Where are we gonna live?"

"Just fly." Bokuto mumbles and suddenly two large black wings unfold from his back and takes lift off. Akaashi does the same hesitantly but only to finally give in unfolding his own wings and following BOKUTOs lead.

"To the outside world we go..."

Akaashi POV


"SUBJECT AKAASHI06035 ITS TIME FOR YOUR ROUTINE" one of the scientist yells. My small cage is opened and instantly both my arms are grabbed.

My cage wasn't very big. I didn't have a bed or much privacy as everything I do is being tested and watched. Even my urine... my cage is made of barb wires all around me. I'm an animal to them, therefore I am treated like an animal.

I was dragged out of my cage to do my routine. A routine occurs three times a day. If I am a good boy, the scientist give me a little food to eat which makes me happy. But if I am a bad boy, I don't get any.

I don't know the exact date I came here. All I know is that "appa" told me that my parents didn't want me so appa took me in and made me his child. Appa is the head of the scientist. Everybody is always scared of him but he has a soft spot for me! He told me I am his favourite son!

I've been here for around 5 years already. Appa told me I am currently 5 years old. Even though I'm so young, I've seen many of my friends disappear. Appa told me they went to a place called heaven. I hope one day I can go there too and visit them. I miss them so much.

I've always been the only one here. Every month around 1-3 of my friends go to heaven. But even though I have been here the longest, I still wasn't able to go there.

I am now strapped onto this chair. My wrists or chained onto the chair and my legs too. I have a large metal strap around my neck and one around my torso. I can hear the scientist talking but I can't pay attention because I'm too focused on how to be a good boy.

Routines consist of several injections. I don't know what they are but appa told me it's for my health. Everyday I have at least 40 injections. Its super painful and sometimes it gets so bad that I black out but if I black out that means I am a bad boy and then I don't get food to eat.

If I cry the scientist tie a white cloth around my mouth so I don't make any noise. They are very rough people. Not like appa...

The injections begin....

"How's my favourite son doing?" I hear appa come into the room.

"Am I a good boy appa?" I ask wanting to eat something.

"Of course you are, now since you are finished go back to your cage and I'll give you your treat." He says.

"Thank you appa!" I say and feel two people drag me by the arms to my cage.

"Here you go my boy!" Appa says holding a slice of bread.

"Yay thank you appa!" I say and quickly eat the slice of bread.

"Boy, how would you feel about getting a roommate?" Appa asks me.

My eyes widen and I could not be happier.

"Oh my OF COURSE ILL BE HAPPY" I say giving my happiest smile.

"Good, your new roommate will join you at night. Now be a good boy and complete the rest of your routines." Appa says and walks away.

"I will!"

Not long after routine number two came along. The routines only get worse and worse. The scientist are really mean and bad people. They cause me so much pain.

Today was no different. I am placed on this treadmill, and I'm attached with lots of wires. Suddenly the wires send a shock to my body which causes me to start running. I continuously run speeding up every time the wires electrocute me.

I'm so tired I can't take it anymore but if I stop, I won't be a good boy and appa will be sad.

After we finally stopped, and I am moved into one of my least favourite rooms. It was a cell with chains attached to the walls.

A scientist shoves me inside and chains me to the wall. Another guy comes in with a bat.

"Count to 100" the scientist says as he takes a swing of the bat hitting me right in the stomach.







and so on.

"His healing abilities have improved from last testing. We can proceed to higher doses as it seems to be having a positive effect on the boy. His bruises are nearly gone." A female scientist says.

I look down at my stomach and I'm shocked to see nothing on it.

I guess appa is keeping me healthy!

But I still feel pain all over my body.

I'm put back into my cage and I was given another slice of bread. This must be my lucky day, two whole slices of bread!

Weird things always happen to my body. The weirdest thing was the two black wings folded up against my back. I wonder if they work?

While I was sitting in my cage I see another boy being dragged around. I squinted my eyes and looked at his wrists. I saw BOKUTO06034 . My wrist had the words AKAASHI06035. We had the same numbers. I think that's my roommate.

The boy had a very dark aura around him. He didn't seem to show any emotions.

I wonder if he'll leave me and go to heaven too...

I see him get dragged into the room I was just in. It seems he also had routines all day.

I can't wait to meet him!

Fly High!! BokuakaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora