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Akaashi POV

Bokuto never answered my question. We just kept flying so I assumed he knew what he was doing. Although I had no idea where we were I couldn't believe my eyes. The view was beautiful. Nature was always a wonder.

We flew by a large lake and that's when we decided to take a break. Suddenly Bokuto took off his shirt and I couldn't help but blush at the sight.

"W-what are you doing?" I cursed myself for stuttering.

"Shower. We stink." He said and stripped. I quickly turned around closing my eyes.

I could here the water splash around behind me. Bokuto must have stepped into the water already.

"Uhh I'll keep watch" I say.

"Come in" he said.

Sigh I guess we're both guys Akaashi, nothing to worry about.

I slowly strip out of my clothes and slip into the lake. The water was cold but it was relaxing. It felt good washing off all the dirt I accumulated. Although we didn't have any soap the water was able to do the job just fine.

"Use my shirt as a towel." Bokuto said and threw me his shirt. I quickly dried myself and put on my clothes again. Bokuto just put on his pants and let his shirt dry in the sun.

My eyes trailed down to his abs. How in the world did he get abs and I didn't? Didn't we go through the same routines? What?

Suddenly there was shuffling in the bush. Both our heads turned towards the sound bringing our guards up. Bokuto quickly threw on his shirt hiding his wings.

Is it an animal? Or is it the foxes? Appa?

"Finally we made it!"

"That hike was so tiring"

"Ugh why did I even tag along, I don't even like exercising."

"I thought you said no one else comes here? I literally see two other people here."

"Hey I thought it would only be us.. no one usually comes when I come alone."

"HI!" I yell out catching the attention of the three kids. There was two boys and a girl. They looked around 10 years old.

The first boy was tall. He wore round glasses and he was very skinny. Tall and lanky. He was wearing a backpack, shorts, tshirt and a red flannel.

The other boy was a little shorter then the first boy. He looked very athletic as he was more buff. He wore a tank top with shorts.

The girl was much smaller then the two boys. Her hair was done into pigtails. She wore a tank top, thin jacket and some shorts.

After I said hi they all turned to look at Bokuto and I. I could tell they were shocked and not expecting me to speak up. Bokuto just kept his intimidating poker face like always. The kids looked scared of him.

"Stop glaring your scaring them" I punch Bokuto in the shoulder lightly.

"I'm not glaring." He says.

"Don't worry kids we are all friends here" I say trying to put the kids at ease.

"Stranger danger" the tall boy says.

"Let's get out of here" said the girl.

"Yeah I'm getting weird vibes from this guy." Said the other boy and just like that they scurried away.


I turned around and crossed my arms pouting at Bokuto.

"Now that was rude." I say.

Fly High!! BokuakaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon