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"Alright how about this we can walk around the mall for a while. We'll eat lunch at noon in the food court then we'll continue shopping after. I'll register you guys up for school at the food court so that after we finish shopping we can walk to the school and pick up your uniform. Sound good?" I ask them.

"Yup" I smile hearing Akaashi's enthusiastic response. I hope he can get comfortable with me soon.

Bokuto just nods. He always looks like he's ready to fight as if he has his guard up all the time. I wonder why?

Well I just push that thought aside and start walking. While we were walking it seemed like we were attracting a crowd. I turn around only to see a whole bunch of girls squealing at the sight of Bokuto and Akaashi.

Like I knew they were handsome and all but damn they were already more popular then I am. I snort to myself thinking about how those girls would react once they saw Akaashi and Bokuto eat.

I raise my eyebrows at them as I watched them awkwardly try to avoid them. Key word: try. I could help but laugh at the sight. They looked at the girls as if they were monsters. They were stuck together luck glue and tried squeezing past everybody. Akaashi looked panicked while Bokuto surprisingly had an annoyed face on.

"MOVE" Bokuto suddenly yelled out. My eyes widen and so did all the girls. His voice held so much dominance and with that one word a path formed within the crowd. That's when one girl took out her phone to start taking a picture. Of course that had a domino effect and everyone now had there phones on. Bokuto and Akaashi had wide eyes, looking like they were terrified. They were looking at all the phones as if they were guns to them.

I felt like I needed to help them. I tried to squeeze through but I was too late.

Bokuto and Akaashi suddenly took off running to who knows where. They shoved away anybody in there way not caring if anybody got hurt. I was quick to push through and run after them.

"Akaashi! Bokuto! WAIT FOR ME" I yell but I couldn't catch up. They ran as fast as a cheetah and within seconds they were nowhere to be found.

I grew frustrated at the girls. I got the courage to yell at them.

"LOOK WHAT YOU GUYS DID NOW! YOU SCARED THEM AWAY! WHY CAN'T YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS?" I yell out face red. Not from embarrassment but anger.

The girls then went their separate ways, and I went off to search for Bokuto and Akaashi. I didn't even know where to start. They dashed out of my sight in seconds.

Ugh if I were Akaashi or Bokuto where would I be?

That's when realization hit me. Food. Of course, the food court. Oh god I hope they don't do anything stupid I thought as I ran to the food court like a madman.

Akaashi POV

Once we walked into the mall following behind Hinata more and more people started to stare at us. I started to get uncomfortable, so I quickly held Bokutos hand. The more we walked the more people there were and to top it off, everyone was staring at Bokuto and I. "Are our wings not hidden enough?" I whisper to Bokuto.

Bokuto looks at my back and shakes his head no.

Then why is everyone staring at us? The crowd got bigger and it was starting to get hard to move. By now I was pressed up onto Bokuto. Of course we were taller then all the girls by a lot so we could see Hinata outside of the crowd looking at us with raised eyebrows. I try to push ahead. I was getting annoyed and uncomfortable. I guess Bokuto felt that way too because he suddenly yelled out MOVE.

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