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Bokuto POV

My head snapped towards the door. Akaashi was quick to fold his wings up before the cops could see anything suspicious. I turned towards Akaashi who was still glaring at my mother while she was only smirking in victory.

"I SAID HANDS ON YOUR HEAD" a police man yelled out.

I slowly brought my hands to my head. Akaashi followed slowly after.

"Oh I'm so glad your here officers!" My mother said happily. "These monsters destroyed my house. I don't even know who they are but they had the nerve to come here and break everything." She says pointing at all the damage. "We will be compensated for all the damage right?"

Of course she only thinks about money. What should I have expected?

"Ma'am please be reasonable. Two teenagers wouldn't be able to throw a couch threw a window or destroy the chandelier that easily. We must have further investigation." The officer says inspecting the damage.

"Officer you don't understand. These two teenagers you see here are monsters. They had wings and were flying." My dad said trying to convince the officer.

"Are you hearing yourself right now? I think both of you need to be tested to see what drugs you have been using." The officer says and I internally smirk.


"What I don't understand is how they flew and how they destroyed the house." The officer said. "Now you two also hands on your head" he said referring to my parents.

"Sir?" Akaashi suddenly spoke up. "I think you are mistaken. Bokuto and myself here just came looking for our missing parents. We heard that there were people that looked like them in this neighborhood so we decided to ask around but when we entered this house it was already destroyed. We were pulled inside by that man." Akaashi said pointing to my dad. "Then next thing we knew, the police were at the door." Akaashi said giving the officer his most innocent eyes.

"Is this true?" The officer turns to me and I nod. "Yes officer. I don't even understand how both of us would be able to throw a couch threw the window." I say.

"Well since you two are still kids, I'll let you guys off the hook. I wish the best of luck to you and I hope you find your parents. If you need any help please contact the police station." The officer says and smiles at us.

"As for you two, you will both be taking a drug test. Please follow us." The officer said to my parents and were handcuffed.

I smile at Akaashi as he rushed towards me for a hug. "You sneaky little devil" I whisper in his ear and he smiled back.

The house was now cleared out. We decided to stay in the house for the night. No one was left as my parents were now arrested.

"That was a close one. I'm glad we got out of there alive and not arrested." Akaashi says and I nod. If it weren't for Akaashi, who knows what would have happened.

Both Akaashi and I decided to look around the house some more. I walked up to see if my old bedroom still existed.

I walked to the small room at the end of the hall dragging Akaashi behind me. Once I opened the door I smiled seeing that nothings changed in my room.

"This is my old bedroom." I tell Akaashi.

"Cute! Little Bokuto lived here? I can imagine it already" Akaashi says running inside and inspecting the room.

The room was small. There were no windows and no bed. I slept on the floor as a child with a small pillow and thin blanket. The only piece of furniture I have is a small shelf. I quickly opened the small shelf and to my relief I saw my old DVDs inside. The avengers DVD I used to watch. Even though I was so young back then I used to love these movies. I quickly pulled them out of the cupboard and waved Akaashi over.

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