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Akaashi POV

"Come" Bokuto waved me over to a tall brick wall.

"We can probably fly over this wall" he said and I nodded. Bokuto flew over first then I did. Once I landed I looked around me and my eyes widen.

Animals were in cages. We used to live in cages too... I looked to my right and I could see lions and tigers. On my left there were penguins and other water creatures. What was the most upsetting were the amount of birds with barely enough space to fly.

The animals were whimpering. It was a sad sight to see.

"The humans did this" Bokuto says.

"I understand now. We won't tell Hinata. We can't..." I say still staring at all the animals. I never wanna go back to that lifestyle. I can't believe I used to consider the lab my home. Home... home to me is... Home is Bokuto.

We flew back to Jimins house and snuck back in through the window. Unfortunately we didn't get revenge on BOKUTOs parents that night since we already spent a lot of time at the zoo.

Once we got inside, Bokuto closed the window as silently as possible and then we both walked into the bathroom to take a bath.

"Let's never go back to the lab." I say as we sat in the tub.

"Never." Bokuto responded. His eyes were closed leaning his head against the tub. His whole body was submerged in the tub except for his head.

"Akaashi... Appa is a bad guy. I hope you know that" Bokuto said.

"Yeah... he kept us away from... all of this." I agree. Before I thought Appa was protecting us but now that I've seen the outside world. I never wanna go back. Not to mention the food in the outside world. We get fed a hundred times more then we did in the lab.

"But... He was the one that gave us these powers" I say. "Sorry we couldn't get revenge today."

"It's ok."

Before I knew it sleep took off over me and I drifted off to my own dreamland.

-The next day-

Morning came and the three of us got ready for school. We walked to school and went to our designated classes.

Bokuto and I walked into the S class and sat down in the same spots.

"What do you think we are doing today?" I ask Bokuto as I doodle in my notebook.

"Maybe math?" He responds.

"Hmm maybe"

"Okay class" the teacher says coming into the class. "Let's head down to the lab where we will begin our first dissection of the year!" She says happily.

"A dissection? What is that Bokuto?" I ask.

"We'll find out soon..."

We both got up and followed the teacher to the science lab. "Please find a partner and stand at a station" she said.

Bokuto and I just walked to a station together. I was excited about the dissection thing but all that excitement disappeared once I saw what was on the tray.

A dead frog lay on the tray. Eyes were open but dull. There was no life in those eyes. I picked it up with my hands and just shook it. Maybe it's just asleep or playing dead.

"Akaashi... it's dead." Bokuto said and I couldn't help but feel sad.

"Would we also be used at schools if we were ever caught by humans?" I whisper to Bokuto.

Fly High!! BokuakaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora