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Today was Monday. To say I was nervous for Akaashi and Bokuto was an understatement. It's gonna take a miracle for them to pass the entrance exams let alone score above 30 percent. To pass the test you have to get over 50 percent out of a hundred.

First of all, I don't think I've even seen them study at all. Second of all they seem clueless in the city. They also don't even know proper food etiquette. How are they gonna pass the entrance exam without prior knowledge of everything else.

I don't know if I should trust them or not. Every time I bring us the test they seem so calm about it. Is it cause they know they are gonna fail and therefore they don't care as much? Based on what I've seen from them, there is no way they will pass.

Last night I thought of different alternatives. Bokuto and Akaashi could honestly be models with there looks so I guess I shouldn't be to worried since they could easily get a job and then I won't have to worry about them being in my house alone.

It was now 5:30am. Their entrance exam starts at 7. I drag myself out of bed to get ready. Then I was off to go wake them up. I walk to their bedroom and knock this time. Surprisingly I heard a small come in from Akaashi.

I opened the door slowly to a very odd sight. Well it's the fact that one, they are awake at 5:45am. Bokuto is in a plank position on the ground while Akaashi is sitting cries cross on top of him reading a magazine.

Akaashi slowly moves his gaze so it's on me now. Bokuto is still doing a plank, not even breaking a sweat.

"Uhh just wanted to make sure you guys are up. I'll go on prepare breakfast now" I say and Akaashi nods and says "we'll get ready now".

Akaashi then gets off Bokuto. Bokuto then stands up and glances at me before following Akaashi into the washroom.

I walk out there room still kinda weirded out by the sight I saw today. They must be like super humans or something. Bokuto is crazy strong and the both eat an insane amount of food everyday.

I cook them each a big plate of breakfast and make myself a piece of toast. My classes don't start until 7:30am so I decided to walk with them to the entrance exam hall.

Akaashi and Bokuto came out of their room wearing the uniforms and god they looked hot. The amount of attention they will attract in our school. They really will be the main talk of the school forever if they get in.

"Morning come eat breakfast." I call them over. They look at the big plate of food I cooked up for them and like always, finished it within seconds.

Since I enjoyed cooking a lot and watching them eat it as if it was the best thing ever made me feel good. It made me happy knowing my food makes them happy. By now it was 6:30am.

Both of them just sat on the couch waiting for me to finish packing my school bag. Once I finished I walked to the front door. They seemed to get the idea we were leaving and also walked to the door. I waited for them as they put on their shoes. After they put their shoes on we were off.

The sun was already rising, not at its peak yet but it still gave off a warm feeling.

We walked in complete silence the only sounds were the seagulls flying over our heads and the occasional cars that would pass by. It was too quiet for my liking but I didn't have anything to say so I just kept my mouth shut.

After about 15 minutes we reached the schools entrance. There weren't many students yet which was good since I was afraid Akaashi and Bokuto would get attacked by a crowd.

I led them to the entrance exam hall and told them to go in. They were holding hands as they walked in. Akaashi gave me a quick wave and walked in.

After they left I decided to walk to my first class earlier. Luckily all my classes were with Tsukishima and Kageyama today. They are my best friends and honestly they are the ones that make school bearable for me. I'm glad I have them as friends.

I walked into my first class and just waited for class to start. Not to long after Kageyama walked into the classroom. I waved him over and he immediately noticed and skipped over to me.

"Kageyama you won't believe what happened over the weekend" I say.

"Hey Hinata! What happened?" He asks me.

"Okok so basically I found two really good-looking boys in the alley lying down on the old mattress you helped me throw out. Unfortunately they are dating though but seriously they are model material. Basically, I invited them inside to my house and now they live with me. Their names are Akaashi and Bokuto and now they are taking the entrance exam for this school but I don't know if they will pass considering how they are. It's crazy! They eat so much food and yet they are so strong and fit. I can't wait to introduce them to you and Tsukishima!" I rant out.

"Wait wait wait. You just invited two strangers to come and live with you? No offence but that's messed up. Seriously what have you been up to." Kageyama says holding his hands out.

"Oh hi Tsukishima when did you get here" I notice Tsukishima walked into the class. "Right before your little rant so I heard everything. Kageyama is right though. You shouldn't invite strangers into your house but I guess your brain just never works" Tsukishima says.

"Yeah, honestly I don't know what I was thinking. And for sure these two are weird. They look at everything as if they've never seen it before. The freak out when they see a phone. They literally never leave each other's sides and not to mention the amount of food they eat." I say.

"Tsukishima and I eat a lot, I think that's pretty normal" Kageyama says.

"No they eat like 10 times more then that" I say.

"I don't even know if they will pass the entrance exam. THEY DIDNT EVEN STUDY OR NOT THAT I KNOW OF. I thought that maybe they could work as models. To me they are like lost puppies in a big world." I tell them.

"I told them if they finish the exam before lunch they can meet as in the cafeteria."

"I doubt they will finish that soon... I finished at like night and that's just how hard the test was." Tsukishima says.

"I know right! But they were so calm about it. They didn't even look nervous or stressed at all" I say.

"Maybe they are secretly smart?" Kageyama suggests. I thought about that before but I literally couldn't imagine that. Their reactions didn't seem fake, everything they showed me was a genuine reaction.


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