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Akaashi POV

The rustling was getting louder and louder and LOUDER.

Then suddenly it was silent. Almost too quiet...

I turned my head towards Bokuto. His clothing had dirt all over him. Well I wasn't much cleaner as I was covered in dirt head to toe. After waiting a bit longer I decided to take a peek but Bokuto was quick to grab my arm.

I froze in my spot and stopped trying to peek. I stayed quiet, trying to limit my movements.

We stayed quiet and waited some more.

There was more rustling again and suddenly a voice was heard.

"Do you think we scared them away Osamu?"

"I think we did Atsumu. Let's just hurry and look for some food here before the foxes come."

I was shocked. Were they running from the foxes as well? Were the people talking also test subjects? I slowly peeked out to see two young boys. They had the same face so I assumed they were twins. Both of them were wearing black shirts that had rips all over and was covered in mud. They both wore shorts and they were walking in barefoot as they dug around in the trash cans which I assumed were looking for food.

Bokuto was also observing them as his head was on top of mine as we peeked out.

Why were they out here and not within the walls? Did they escape?

Should we approach them? Or is this a trap? We can't just trust anyone.

I was deep in thought I didn't noticed two pairs of eyes staring at me shocked.

"Who are you?"

I only then realized that the twins were staring at me with widened eyes. They both stood side by side in what I think is their fight stance. I awkwardly pointed at myself to make sure they were talking to me even though I knew they were since no one else was here.

"Uhh I'm Akaashi and this is Bokuto" I introduced not knowing what else to do.

"Are you a survivor? Although you guys look a lot older." The one on the right spoke up.

"That's not possible Atsumu" the one on the left spoke glaring at his twin. "We were the only survivors."

"But Osamu maybe they did how would we know?" The one on the right began to argue.

Okay so Osamu is the one on the left and Atsumu is the one on the right. I really couldn't tell them apart. They were so identical.

"Well I do know cause there was ten of us and we saw 8 dead bodies." Osamu says

"Well maybe they weren't dead?" Atsumu says crossing his arms.

"Um I promise we don't mean any harm but how about we talk somewhere else before we are caught due to your arguing." I ask them getting kinda nervous since they didn't seem to care about their surroundings.

"Akaashi..." Bokuto says from behind me.

"Maybe we can learn something." I whisper back and Bokuto nods.

The twins looked at one another as if they were talking to one another.

"Follow us." Atsumu says as the two began to walk into the forest.

I looked back at Bokuto and he nodded. We followed behind them, not to close behind but just enough so that we could still hear them if they had to talk.

"Ughh Atsumu you got us lost." Osamu suddenly spoke up.

"It's dark how am I suppose see properly and for your information the trees literally all look the same when it's dark." Atsumu retorts.

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