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Akaashi POV

Morning. Time. 7am.

I decided to just remain in bed because let's be honest, no one leaves their bed right when they wake up. Bokuto lay next to me snoring loudly.

After lying there for another 10 minutes I had to use the washroom so I dragged myself out of bed and into the washroom. Once I finished I walked out and saw Bokuto sitting on the edge of the bed. He silently got up and walked into the washroom. I decided to busy myself by looking out the window. The sun was already up, shining onto the already golden grass which definitely needed water.

Bokuto walked out of the bathroom and walked to where I was looking out the window. A strong aroma filled our room soon after. Oikawa must be cooking breakfast.

The two of us dashed towards the kitchen and sat in the seats we sat at for dinner.

"Uhh good morning to you two" Oikawa says seemingly shocked.

"Morning" we both responded.

"Iwazumi is out hunting now but he should be back soon." Oikawa says and we nod. Not that we really cared...

"Hungry?" Oikawa asks.

We nod.

"Alright, I'm surprised you can still eat considering how much you ate yesterday." Oikawa laughs. After that it was quiet. Oikawa just continued to cook while Bokuto and I sat in silence. That is until I spoke up.

"Bokuto! Let's make a plan today!" I say which catches Bokuto's attention.

"Hm? We need a plan." Bokuto responds.

"I got one! So basically we lure them in somehow maybe using my new power. Then we hide and wait for the foxes to show up. Once they show up they won't be able to find us cause we will be hidden. After they give up we can follow them and see where their base is!" I recite the plan.

"Not bad. Let's try it." Bokuto says.

"You guys better not be causing trouble." Oikawa suddenly spoke up.

Oops I forgot he was here.

"We aren't. Do not worry." I respond.

Oikawa just raises an eyebrow at us but hands us a plate of food nonetheless.

We gobbled everything up and ran back into our room after thanking Oikawa for the meal.

"Alright how do we hide ourselves? Should we hide in a tree?" I ask and Bokuto shakes his head no.

"Foxes have sharp noses. They will prob sniff us out. We need to somehow change our scent." Bokuto explains and I nod.

"Now how do we do that?"

"Well we could use the fruit I saw when we were flying before." Bokuto says.

"Ohhh yeah we could crush them and rub it on our bodies so we get a fruity smell. Brilliant!" I cheer as we make progress with our plan.

"Well let's go!" I say walking out the door.

"Oikawa we are going out for the day"

"Please don't cause trouble or injure or"

We shut the front door before he could finish and just like that we were flying up in the sky.

We flew in circles for a bit just to stretch out our wings until Bokuto signalled for me to follow him as he guided us towards the fruit trees.

Once we arrived we each landed on a branch. Bokuto decided to start as he picked a yellow fruit above his head and juiced it all over his arms.

I picked a fruit too and copied his action. We just kept doing it until we were covered from head to toe.

"Okay should I use my power now?" I ask and Bokuto nods. He flys a bit higher into the tree so that the leaves covered him from sight.

I took a deep breath and yelled out as loud as I could. Birds flew out of the trees as I quickly flew into the leaves with Bokuto.

"Now we wait." Bokuto whispers.

An hour has passed and still no sight of any foxes. We just sat and waited and waited and waited.

The sky was now orange and pink. I could never get bored of the sight. I just stared off into the distance that is until Bokuto suddenly pulls me down.

"They're here."

That's all I had to head before I crouched down and looked to the ground. There were in fact 7 foxes more or less. They were sniffing the grounds out. Both Bokuto and I remained as quiet as possible. It was so quiet I could feel my heart beating. After about ten minutes the foxes decided to leave. Bokuto and I scurried out of the trees and flew up high into the skies. We slowly trailed the foxes.

It was now pretty dark. It was difficult for Bokuto to keep his eyes on the foxes so I used my night vision to keep us in track.

We've been flying for about an hour now but we finally came close to a building.

Large iron gates surrounded the building. Not like it could stop us since we can fly though. The building was grey. It looked like a prison. I thought our "home" or the science lab we were in looked bad but this is another story.

Some walls were covered in green ivy. There were cages everywhere. The whole place was so dull and gloomy.

We could see some foxes. Not the ones already tested on but actual foxes. They were chained up. There heads were down and they looked starved. I guess Appa is starting to focus only on foxes.

We flew around over to the back of the building where we landed.

"How are we supposed to get in?" I ask.

"Let's try to find a back door." Bokuto whispered back as we slowly crept our way to the iron wall. There were a bunch of large garbage cans in the back. Some were spilled onto the ground leaving a disgusting stench in the air.

Suddenly we heard movement. Both Bokuto and my eyes widen and we quickly run to hide behind a large trash can.

The movement was getting louder and louder.

I squeezed my eyes shut hoping it's not a fox.

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