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Akaashi POV:

The sun was setting. Hues of pink and orange painted the sky. The atmosphere was peaceful and calm. All I could hear were the sounds of nature.... and of course the sound of wind blowing past us.

So this is how the outside world looks like.

I never wanna go back.

Bokuto and I have been flying for almost all day but I never wanna stop. Everything is perfect.

None of us spoke a word. We flew around not really having a specific destination. We just flew straight ahead, not looking back.

I wonder what appa is doing. Does he miss me? I miss him a lot but I think this is for the better. I'm willing to risk my life and I know that Bokuto will be there for me.

While I was deep in thought some unknown creature flew beside me. It had wings and a sharp beak. It was a lot smaller then me and didn't have all the body parts I have. It just flew next to me.

Soon a whole bunch of them flew next to me and created a Akaashi shape.

"Bokuto! LOOK AT THIS! THEY KNOW HOW TO SPELL MY NAME!" I yell fascinated at the creatures.

I do a flip in the air to see if they would follow and they did. I couldn't hide the smile taking over my face.

Bokuto turns around and it happened.

A small grin took over Bokuto's face. I have never seen him smile before so once I saw the small grin on his face I couldn't help but let out a loud laugh. I was just so happy.

The sky soon got darker and darker. It was soon night time.

"Hey Bokuto why don't we find somewhere to sleep for the night. Even though I can see in the dark, I don't think you'll be able to fly in pitch darkness." I ask.

Bokuto only nods and points to a spot on the ground and we both land. Well Bokuto lands perfectly and smooth as ever while I only crashed into the floor.

"Meant to do that" I say embarrassed.

"Sure" Bokuto says rolling his eyes.

Bokuto then brushes some leaves into a small pile, then lies down on them.

I brush some leaves next to him and lie down right next to him. He didn't seem to mind considering the fact we've been sitting shoulder to shoulder practically our entire life.

"Hey Bokuto? Is this how we're gonna live our life from now on?" I ask staring up to the sky.

Stars blanketed the sky and the moon was as round as ever. You may be wondering why I know so much even though I was in the lab my entire life. Well long story short I managed to get some books and read them. Our brains are a lot more advanced therefore I was able to understand a lot and learn very quickly.

"Well I guess we can. Do you want to?" He asks me.

"I could get used to this lifestyle" I say closing my eyes letting sleep take over me.


Right after Akaashi and Bokuto escaped.


This is gonna be perfect for my research. When I created Bokuto and Akaashi I also created the foxes. These foxes are from the forest. Instead of injecting fox DNA into a human, I injected human DNA into a fox. That way the fox will still maintain a rash attitude and a predator behaviour.

A fox is always hungry for food so what better mean would two birds be?

These foxes have developed a smart attitude and a strong physique. These foxes have more fur then usual and are packed with muscles for hunting. They have sharp fangs and bloodshot eyes. They are also around the size of an adult human. We trained them to do anything we ask. Th foxes are able to understand us and obey our commands. Like Bokuto and Akaashi, these foxes have been worked on for many years. Time to put them to the test.

Who will win?

The birds or the foxes?

Let the hunt begin!


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