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Akaashi POV

Bokuto and I held hands as we entered the classroom. The classroom looked amazing. Bokuto and I took the desk near the windows. I sat in front of Bokuto and he sat behind me. The classroom was pretty empty. There was around 5 other students in the class with us.

What a small class... But that's a good thing since we won't have much attention on us. I turned my seat around so that I'm facing Bokuto.

"Soo how about we start researching where your parents are so we can kick some butts!" I tell him.

"I thought you forgot" he said.

"Of course I wouldn't. Maybe we can ask Hinata for a map?"

"Sounds good. I can remember my old address so it won't be hard to locate."

The teacher then came in and began the lessons. I was very excited since this would be my first real class at school.

Classes soon ended. Bokuto and I walked out of the school together and met Hinata at the entrance. We walked with him to the grocery store again to buy food for dinner. Bokuto again carried everything as we walked home.

Once we got home I decided to ask Hinata for a map. He looked confused at first but still went to grab us some maps. Once he gave us the maps he went to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. Bokuto and I walked into our bedroom.

"Here are the maps. Can you find your house?" I say handing the maps to Bokuto. He took them and laid them out on the floor. He analyzed the maps very quickly and easily found his house.

"It's not that far from here. Maybe an hour of us flying." I say.

"Yeah. Let's go tonight." He said.

"What if Hinata finds out?" I ask.

"We'll sneak out at night and come back home before he wakes up." Bokuto said. I nodded in anticipation. It seemed fun. Almost like our own secret mission.

"DINNER TIME!" Hinata yelled and we both shot up and ran to the kitchen table.

"Thank you Hinata" we say together. Honestly Hinata has been so kind to us since we arrived. He doesn't question us as much. It felt like he really wanted to be our friend.

After dinner Bokuto and I walked back to our bedroom. We decided to finish our homework from school which only took us a couple minutes. I packed my school bag for tomorrow then started to get ready for tonight. Bokuto also got ready, changing into some darker clothes. I grab two disposable face mask Hinata got us a while ago. I handed one to Bokuto.

The face mask was to hide from getting seen since we were still in the city. Anybody could see us flying so it's better to be safe.

After we finished we just lay down in bed. We were waiting until Hinata went to his bedroom. But instead of hearing his room door close he suddenly walked into our room.

"So Bokuto and Akaashi? I was wondering if I could get to know you guys better? Ohh wait are you guys going out?" He asks us noticing our clothes.

"Hi Hinata. No we are not going out. We can talk if you want." I responded.

I glanced over at Bokuto and he seemed okay with it. I guess we both kinda grew a soft spot for Hinata.

"Anyways I just thought since we've been living together, I still don't know much about you two while you guys know almost everything about me." He said.

I could understand where he was at. After all, we never really talked much to him. It was always him talking to us.

"What do you want to know?" I ask.

He thought for a second.

"Well how did you guys end up on my old mattress outside?" He asked us.

I thought for a while. Should we lie? Could we trust Hinata? It's hard not being able to discuss this with Bokuto.

"Uhhh well we escaped from some bad people... and I guess we just ended up here." I say kinda telling the truth only, it's not the whole truth or story.

"Have you always lived on the streets?" He asked.

I shake my head no. I didn't know what to say.

"Hey Hinata can I talk to Bokuto for a second? We can keep talking after."

"Sure I'll be in the living room." Hinata said then walked out.

"I think we should tell him." I said.

Bokuto snaps his head then shakes his head no.

"Why not? He's done so much for us. I think we can trust him." I say.

"We've only known him for 4 days.. we can't trust him so easily. Humans are cruel animals." He said.

"Well we are like have human? Why are you so against telling him." I say getting mad.

"We can't and I'll show you why, tonight." Bokuto says sternly. I groan and stand up to walk towards the living room.

Hinata was seated on the couch waiting for us.

"Sorry Hinata how about we talk another day? We are really tired right now." I say to him looking at him with sad eyes.

I was mad at Bokuto. Why won't he just trust Hinata?

"O-oh that's alright... yeah let's talk another day. Goodnight" Hinata says standing up then walking to his room.

I sigh then slowly walk back to my room. I throw a glare at Bokuto but he does nothing.

"Follow me." He says and opens the window. "I'll show you what I mean."

I grab my mask and put it on my face. I follow behind him not saying a word. I was kinda upset. This was our first ever argument. We've always been together through thick and thin. Maybe I should apologize...

Bokuto then jumps out of the window and unfolds his wings so that he would be flying. I do the same.

"I'm sorry Bokuto" I say to him.

"Don't worry about it. I just want to show you what I mean when I say we can't trust Hinata so easily." He responded looking right into my eyes.

We were now flying to whatever Bokuto wanted to show me. It took about 5 minutes of flying before we landed. Once we landed I looked up. Although it was dark I could still see it clearly with my night vision.


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