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Bokuto POV (It's been a while)

The next morning we all woke up around the same time. The room was already bright since we didn't have any curtains.

The bed was really comfortable compared to the rough cave floors we've been sleeping on. Osamu and Atsumu were the first ones off the bed with Akaashi following soon after. I was the last one to get out of bed since I kinda enjoyed lying on the soft mattress.

Once we got up we took turns using the washroom and washing up. It was still early. Oikawa was probably still sleeping and Iwazumi probably went hunting. Maybe next time we can go with Iwazumi and help him? It would be good since the four of us eat a lot.

"Bokuto! Akaashi! Hurry up let's go outside so we can fly" the twins say running towards the door.

I mentally laugh at their behaviour. Even though they have gone through a lot they are still able to act as if nothings happened to them. They truly are strong.

I hope Akaashi and I can be the people they rely on. Since we all have things in common.

"I guess we should follow them." Akaashi says and I nod.

We walked outside and see the twins standing together in the field. Their wings were unfolded.

"Don't try too hard. You guys are still recovering" Akaashi says.

"It doesn't hurt that much." Osamu says.

Maybe they had faster healing like Akaashi and I did. Oikawa did have to snap their wings back into place. Now they will probably recover normally.

"Alright why don't you just give it a try?" Akaashi suggests and they nod. I watch as Osamu and Atsumu start flapping their wings like crazy. Nothing happens. Just a lot of wind and debris in my face.

"It's not working..." Atsumu mumbles.

Osamu continues to flap his wings while jumping.

The most they can stay in the air for is 20 seconds before they drop to the ground. It's like trying to get a baby to walk for the first time.

Maybe this will work...

I quickly grab onto the twins and fly straight up. I fly until I'm super high like the last time when they hit my head with a stick.

"Bokuto PLEASE NOT AGAIN" Osamu yells.

"SAVE US Akaashi!" Atsumu yells.

"Try and fly." I say before letting go and dropping them.

At first all you can hear is high pitched unmanly screaming. But not long after you can hear cheers. Guess my plan worked. I flew down and saw that the twins were flying.

"IT WORKED!" They both yelled laughing.

Akaashi smiles at me as he looked at me with bright eyes. I grab onto his hand and we start flying away.

"Catch us if you can." I say before Akaashi and I flew away together.

The twins seemed to be caught off guard but soon collected themselves as they started chasing us. We flew around in circles and played around for around an hour before Oikawa called us in for breakfast.

"LAST ONE IN HAS TO GIVE EACH PERSON SOMETHING FROM THEIR PLATE!" Osamu yells as he rushes towards the house. We were quick to follow. I came in second and Atsumu came in third which left Akaashi at last place.

"Unfair! I was the furthest from the house!" Akaashi says as we walked in.

Once we started eating Akaashi gave Atsumu a piece of bacon and Osamu an egg. Akaashi was about to place a piece of bacon on my plate but I was fast enough to put my piece of bacon onto his plate. Seeing Akaashi smile from the food was enough.

We ate happily and quickly.

"So uh are you guys like Bokuto and Akaashi?" Oikawa began to question. The twins got uncomfortable but still responded. "Yeah we are." Osamu says.

"We're brothers!" Atsumu says.

Those two words were enough to lift the tension in the room. Akaashi smiled and nodded.

"Yeah we're family!"

"Well were you guys from the same lab?" Oikawa tries prying again.

"Yeah but we were there for a shorter period." Atsumu says.

"I see and are the what you call enemies? After you two as well?" Oikawa asks.

Why does he keep asking us so many questions. Will he use this information against us? What are his true intentions?

These thoughts are what keeping me from trusting him. I guess a human would be curious...

"Well yeah... they are after all 4 of us which uhh.. Oikawa, Bokuto and I were thinking of leaving." Akaashi says.

"What why? I'm okay feeding you guys. Am I not feeding you guys enough?" Oikawa asks.

"It's not that. We are worried that the enemies might attack us here. Which could put you in danger. During the past few days we were attacked by the enemies. Luckily there weren't as many as last time so we were able to fight back but they are not that far." Akaashi says looking at his lap.

Osamu and Atsumu were also staring down at the table.

"You saw what happened with Bokuto last time right. We are scared it might happen to you or Iwazumi. If we remain here, there is no guarantee for your safety." Akaashi continues.

Oikawa and Iwazumi just stares at us speechless.

"I see..." Oikawa says as Iwazumi just sat there in peer shock.

"We are truly grateful for everything you have done for us. We are grateful for you for taking us in. Saving Bokuto. Giving us food and a roof over our heads. We are grateful for all your help in recovering the twins. So with that we say thank you from the bottom of our hearts." Akaashi says.

"Thank you" the twins say in union.

"Thank you." I say.

Akaashi pretty much what we were thinking. Like Hinata, Oikawa and Iwazumi took us in. Although they asked us lots of questions, they still took care of us.

"We plan to leave tomorrow morning" I say and Akaashi nods.

"In that case I'll prepare a feast before you go. And... I'm glad I met you guys. Living in the forest was always lonely. When you guys showed up I was really happy. I'm happy you guys are looking out for us. It truly is thoughtful of you. For now let's enjoy the time we have together." Oikawa says giving us a small smile.

I could tell he was sad. He held a smile but his eyes were watering. Oikawa quickly excused himself and walked to his room. Iwazumi was quick to follow.

The four of us just remained in the kitchen.

"Oikawa was crying." Atsumu says. "Will he be okay?"

"It's sad we have to leave but it's for the better. We could potentially bring a lot of problems for Oikawa and Iwazumi." Akaashi responds.

"Where will we go?" Osamu asks.

"For now we'll prob be trying our best to get as far away from the lab before we find somewhere to settle down." Akaashi says.

Akaashi stands up and walks towards the twins. The twins seemed confused but were surprised when Akaashi pulled them into a hug.

"I promise, once we are stronger we'll come back. We'll train ourselves to get stronger. Once we are able to get strong and protect ourselves then we can think about protecting others." Akaashi spoke.

The twins hugged back as they nodded. I'm glad they understood the situation we were in.

"We'll stick with you guys wherever you go!" Osamu says.

"Yeah because family always stick together." Atsumu says.

It was such a heartwarming sight. Akaashi suddenly grabs my hand and pulls me into the group hug.

"My family is the best." I say.

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