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Akaashi POV

When we walked into the aquarium I was shocked and scared. A zoo for sea animals?

The weird thing was I could hear a whole bunch of voices in my head. The voices were screaming and begging for us to free them. Hinata asked if we were okay. I couldn't just tell him so I lied. I quickly dragged Bokuto with me farther away.

"Can you hear that?" I ask Bokuto.

He nods. "The sea creatures are asking us for help..." he said.

"Guess we found our new ability, talking to sea animals." I say. The fishes voices were coming at us loud and clear. They wanted to leave. They wanted to escape.

"Do you think we can talk to them if we can hear them?" I ask Bokuto. He shrugs his shoulders.

"We can always try." He said.

I walked up to the glass and closed my eyes trying to concentrate my thoughts. I was talking through my mind.

It's gonna be okay. Wait for the right time and use that chance to escape and get your freedom back. If we did it you all can too. I say in my mind.

Bokuto also had his eyes closed. I wonder if he could do it too.

I whispered something else to the fish. It was sad seeing them like this. Hearing their cries and calls for help.

"Can you talk to them?" I ask Bokuto and he nods in response.

We continued on. We were able to talk to every creatures and the dolphins.

When it came to the killer whales I was a bit afraid so Bokuto just talked to them.

"What did you say to the killer whales?" I ask Bokuto.

"To put up a fight. That they are stronger then the humans and that they need to fight for their freedom." He said.

I smiled. He's right. They should fight for their freedom like how we did. They can do it!

After the aquarium we walked back home. Hinata turned on the tv and after about ten minutes he shrieked.

Bokuto and I just finished bathing so right when we walked out we heard Hinata shriek.

"Omg a killer whale just killed someone at the aquarium we were just at! Look! Look!" Hinata says pointing at the tv.

Wow they really are putting up a fight. I smile in my head. I'm proud of them.

I could tell Bokuto felt the same way. We said nothing and just walked back to our room.

Two more days lefts before we leave...

Akaashi POV

It was Saturday morning. I was still laying on bed next to Bokuto. The bed was so soft, comfy and warm. I'm gonna miss this...

I remained in bed , waiting for Bokuto to awaken from his slumber.

Since we escaped the lab I've been able to experience so many new things. I got to taste real and delicious food! Go to school, go shopping, go to a restaurant and much more.

It felt good. I was finally living like a normal person. I felt like a normal teenager for once.

If I were still in the lab, I wonder what I'd be doing now? Probably having my first routine alongside Bokuto. Appa would be watching us as we get injected or something.

Then we have the foxes. I wonder where they are now? The last time we saw one was at school. After that we never saw one again. Should we be scared?

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