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Akaashi POV


Both Bokuto and I were startled awake by the old mans yelling. I rub my eyes and only now I realize we are in the city.

"Don't be rude!" The old lady said glaring at the old man. "Do you guys need us to drive you home or are your parents coming to get you?" She asks smiling sweetly at us.

"We're fine on our own! Thanks so much for driving us" I respond smiling.

Both Bokuto and I hop out of the truck and wave as the old couple drive off. I look up at the sign above our head. Gas station? My eyes drifted down to the store. My eyes widen at the sight of the amount of food in that store. Just looking at the food made me hungry again.

I ran towards the store leaving Bokuto behind. Bokuto was shocked but soon started chasing after me. I swung the door open and ran to the first shelf labeled chips. I use my teeth to rip the bag open and quickly stuff a whole bunch of chips in my mouth.

"HEY YOU HAVE TO BUY THE CHIPS IF YOU WANT TO EAT THEM SO PAY UP!" A guy standing at the counter yelled.

Was he talking to me? I just continued to eat the chips ignoring him.

Suddenly the guy was next to me and snatched the chips out of my hands. He raised the bag up in the air. I tried jumping to reach it but I couldn't. Bokuto walked in looking at us confused.

"Is this your friend here?" the guy asked Bokuto.

"GIMME THE CHIPS" I yelled annoyed at the guy for taking the chips.

"PAY ME" the guy yelled back glaring.


"MONEY OF COURSE" the guy yells.

"Well sorry we don't have any." I say honestly.

"Why don't you call your family or friends to come and bring your wallet" the guy sighs rubbing his temples.

"We don't have parents. Our friends in heaven..... Bokuto is my only family." I say pointing at Bokuto getting sad at the thought of my friends.

"Sigh tell you what. I'll let you guys go but you promise to never steal from others again. I don't know how you guys do it without your parents. I only have my mother and that's already hard for me." The guy says.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I say looking down.

"Boys remember if you ever want anything you have to work for it. That's how life goes, not everything is gonna come to you on a silver plate." The guy says. "Of course not everyone will be as understanding as I am and let you go easily."

Both Bokuto and I nodded our heads understanding.

"I believe this belongs to you" the guy said handing me the half eaten bag of chips.

"Thank you mr!" I say smiling.

"Now run along now, please take what I said into consideration." He said pushing us towards the door.

Bokuto walks out not looking back while I wave goodbye to the guy.

"Want some?" I ask Bokuto as a catch up to him.

He turns to look at me and takes a handful from the bag. I'm sure he was hungry too. He's just better at hiding what he feels.

"With no money.." Bokuto starts. "We have no place to stay for the night"

By now there was no one on the streets. House lights were all turned off. The only lights out in the city were the street lamps flickering in and off.

Bokuto and I just continue walking down the road. While we were walking I looked to my right only to find a dark alley. I use my night vision and I was able to see a worn out mattress lying on the ground.

I pull on BOKUTOs shirt and guide him into the alley.

"I found a place for us to stay" I say.

Once we reached the mattress I jump onto the mattress. Bokuto lies down next to me. It was peaceful. The mattress was worn out but it has got to be the best thing I've ever slept on. I couldn't get enough of it.

"Hey Bokuto? What do you think appa is doing?" I ask.

"Breathing?" He responds.

I sit up and raise my eyebrows at him.

"Seriously" I say hitting his chest.

"Probably testing on the foxes so that they can come and kill us" Bokuto said.

"But we'll survive right?" I ask lying back down to close my eyes.




Bokuto and I quickly shot up and snapped our head to where the yell came from. There we saw a boy, one hand holding the back door open while the other hand was carrying a trash bag.

"WHO ARE YOU GUYS" he yelled.

"Uhhh hi I'm Akaashi and this is Bokuto" I said to the boy.

The boy was now in utter confusion. He scanned both of us up and down.

"Not to be rude or anything but are you guys homeless?" He asks us more calm now.

Bokuto nods after a while.

"You guys can't sleep here! You know what come in here we'll discuss what we can do" the boy said and quickly threw the trash into the bin and guided us in.

Bokuto and I both looked at each other but ended up following the boy anyways.

"So Akaashi and Bokuto am I right?" The boy asks while we walk.

"Yup" I say.

We finally reached a cozy looking room. It had a couch with a coffee table. There were plants and paintings on the walls. The carpet was fluffy and pillows lay on the couch.

"Come sit, I'll get you guys something warm to drink." The boy says.

We settled down on the couch. I was kinda uncomfortable here. I quickly grab Bokuto's hand and intertwine our fingers together. He just let me do what I want. I could tell he was uncomfortable here too. Bokuto kept his poker face but I could tell he was working his senses. Every time there was a sound his head would snap in that direction. He was on fully alerted.

After what felt like hours, the boy came out of a room carrying a tray with three cups.

He placed the cups on the coffee table, one in front of Bokuto and one in front of me. I looked at the cup filled with a brown liquid.

"Oh that's hot chocolate by the way, do you guys not like hot chocolate" he asks.

We didn't respond.

"Anyways I guess I should introduce myself" he said.

"Hi I'm Hinata Shoyou! Nice to meet you"

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