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Akaashi POV

My eyes widen in fear from his words. The foxes are serious about killing us. What if they killed Bokuto? I wouldn't be able to live without him. I only now realize how scary death can be.

"Bokuto l-let's get out of h-here. Quick!" I say and grab BOKUTOs hand and start running. We run trying our best not to attract attention. I look back only to see the foxes pushing their way past people. They were speed walking, taking powerful steps.

Bokuto and I make our way outside the shopping complex. We keep running until there were less people. I finally start to slow down and look behind us.

"I think we lost them." I say.

"Why." Bokuto suddenly says. "Why did we run."

"There were way too many people there." I say.

"We could have killed the foxes right there and then." Bokuto says.

"Bokuto are you thinking straight? We were in a shopping complex with hundreds of eyes there. We would have been captured." I say.

"Still..." Bokuto mutters and I sigh.

"Bokuto we will always have another chance to fight them but if we were caught there we wouldn't be given another chance. We could have died there. What would I do without you? What would you do without me??" I say.

Bokuto looks down in shame. "I would die." Bokuto says. "I would die without you."

"Same goes for me" I respond.

We were now in a forest, on the outskirts of the city.

"Let's just rest here for the night." I say and make myself comfortable under a tree. Bokuto follows and sits next to me.

We lie down in complete silence staring up at the stars. It was quiet and calm.

"Bokuto? I'm scared." I confess to him. "Scared of dying. Scared that you'd leave me. Scared of leaving you behind. Scared that you could be taken away from me. Scared of never seeing you again..."

"If you die. I will meet you in heaven and we could live the perfect life. If I ever leave you, don't forget I'll always find you again. If I die, I'll wait for you in heaven. We will always be together no matter what. Never forget that." Bokuto says and I start to cry.

His words were so reassuring that death didn't seem so scary. Even if I died. I could still find Bokuto, one day in heaven.

"You promise right?" I ask.

"I promise I'll never leave you." Bokuto whispers while hugging me. "We'll never let anyone separate us."

We soon drift off to sleep but that was short lived as we could sense movement around us. We were surrounded.

"Didn't I tell you to fly away?" The robotic voice was heard. "You didn't fly very far now did you?"

Both Bokuto and I were now wide awake. It was dark but I could still see perfectly fine. Perks of having night vision. I counted about 8 foxes surrounding us.

"Well, lucky us then. More dinner for us tonight." The fox says and suddenly attacks.

The hood he was wearing fell of and fox ears were shown. The fox had long and sharp nails. With a sharp teethed smile. Also can't forget about those bloodshot eyes.

Luckily I was quick enough to dodge his attack but Bokuto didn't look too happy about it. Bokuto was quick to punch the fox in the face then throwing him to the ground. The other 7 foxes were quick to attack Bokuto and I. Two foxes were on me while the other 5 were on Bokuto. Bokuto was punching left and right. Since I could see in the dark I used the forest to my advantage. Hiding in dark areas and giving them surprise attacks.

All was going well until more foxes came rushing in jumping on top of Bokuto. What was 8 foxes was now around 15. We need to get out.

I look over to Bokuto and see him struggling. Foxes were jumping onto him and were clinging onto him. We both had scratches all over ourselves but Bokuto was in a worse condition.

"Bokuto WE HAVE TO GET OUT!" I yell. Bokuto quickly unfolded his wings and tried to jump only to have a fox bite down on his wing. I quickly fly to him and tackle the fox that was biting his wing.

Bokuto was hurt. Only one of his wing was flapping up and down at a rapid pace while the other wasn't even moving. It was bleeding.

My heart was racing. I was panicking. What should I do? There were too many of them. I tried to attack the foxes that were pulling BOKUTOs legs down so he couldn't fly.

"LET GO OF HIM YOU DUMB FOXES" I yell but they didn't stop. I could tell Bokuto was getting weaker. He looked as though he was about to pass out. Bokuto had blood all over his body. Since he was taking in so much damage I guess he couldn't heal fast enough.

"LET GO" I yell but the foxes kept attacking.

"I said LET GOOOO" I yell and every fox suddenly grabs onto their ears. I took the chance to grab Bokuto and fly away.

What did I just do? Did I just develop a new power!

"Bokuto! I think I just developed-

I looked down to see Bokuto limp in my arms.

"Oh my gosh. Bokuto CAN U HEAR ME? DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME" I panic. Tears were flooring down my scratched up face. I flew until I felt we were at a safe distance then landed on the ground. The sun was already rising.

What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

"Hang in there Bokuto. I'll figure something out. Just don't leave me please. You promised me."

I say holding BOKUTOs hand.

I couldn't stop crying. My breathing became uneven. My heart was in pain.

"Don't leave me" I whisper.

Suddenly I heard the bushes shaking.

Nononono not again?! I curse under my breath. Please don't be foxes I beg.

"Excuse me? Oh my! Are you two alright?!" A man came out from the bush.

"You need help right away. Follow me I'm a doctor that works in the forest utilizing the materials in the wildlife."

I nod as I didn't really have a choice. He helps me pick up Bokuto and we quickly rush to his house.

"Lay him on the bed over there while I go grab my things" he says and I quickly follow his orders. I hope I didn't make the wrong decision.

"Alright.... um what are these?" The man says as he points at BOKUTOs broken wing.

"It's a wing..." I said unsure with myself. "Please don't tell..." I say.

"Don't worry" he gives me a reassuring smile. "Your secrets safe with me. My names Oikawa! I'll get you two good as new again. After that you can explain to me your story." He says.

"Nice to meet you Oikawa..."

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