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Bokuto POV

"Let's wash up." I say filling up the bathtub. Akaashi nods and starts stripping off his clothing.

We both sit in the steaming hot tub. It felt nice cleaning out all the dirt. The hot water helped my muscles to relax. I close my eyes and just enjoy the comfortable feeling.

Suddenly I felt arms snake around my neck pulling me into a hug. I open my eyes only to face Akaashi. He was giving a soft smile.

"What a long day... what would I do without you?" He spoke calmly.

It's true. Today was a long day. We were attacked and we fought a harsh battle. I was badly injured and then we met Oikawa and Iwazumi.

I look at Akaashi. What would I do without him?

Die. Because I can't live without him.

My sole purpose is to live for Akaashi.

My eyes slowly travel down to his lips.

Should I?

I slowly lean in until our lips came into contact. It was slow but it held a lot of meaning. Our lips moved in sync. We were connected both mentally and physically. Although it wasn't our first kiss it felt as though it was.

We eventually parted and I opened my eyes. It felt good. Everything was perfect. Akaashi opened his eyes and i could see him blushing. I smile and quickly peck his nose. Adorable.

Akaashi was so flustered that his whole body shifted. His knee landing right into my manhood. I groan in pain.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry Bokuto!" Akaashi says quickly getting up.

"One day we will... there is no rush." I smirk. I'm not as innocent as I seem. I mean, I did attend school which is pretty much known for horny teenagers. With my hearing ability, I can hear and learn all about the dirty and how to make a child.

I assumed Akaashi also knew what I was talking about because his face turned beet red. I smile at his cute reaction.

I place both of my hands on his cheeks squishing them together.

"I don't know what you would do without me but I would die without you because you are my everything. You are my oxygen, you are my world." I say slowly staring right into his eyes.

"I love chu." Akaashi says with my hands still squishing his cheeks.

I smile at his words. I could feel my face warming up so I quickly turn away so he can't see me blush.

"Aww is Bokuto blushing! I love you so much!" Akaashi says giving me a back hug.

"Love you too" I mumble using a hand to cover my blushing face.

"Sorry what was that?" Akaashi says and I could just feel his teasing smile.

"Love you too." I say and quickly get out of the bathtub before Akaashi could try and tease me more.

I got a towel from the cupboard and grab one for Akaashi as well. We dried ourselves and changed into our dirty clothes since we didn't have any clean ones. Akaashi jumped onto the bed first. I went to turn off the lights and followed him into the bed.

"It's so comfy!" Akaashi says giggling. It really was comfy, might even be comfier then the bed in Hinata's house.

We lay down just staring at the ceiling. "What are we gonna do now?" Akaashi asks and I honestly didn't know. We could stay here for while...but I don't really trust Oikawa and Iwazumi all that much. They are constantly questioning us. They know more then Hinata knows about us even.

We could head to the next city but we may run into the foxes. I'm pretty sure Akaashi wouldn't want a repeat of what happened last time.

"I think it's best we stay for a while and rest before we head off to the next city." I say.

"Sounds like a plan." Akaashi responds.

"What do you think about Oikawa and Iwazumi?" Akaashi asks.

"I don't trust them..." I respond truthfully. I can't lie to Akaashi.

"Good because I felt the same way... but maybe it will get better?" Akaashi says and I mentally agree. Everything takes time. Especially trust.

"The foxes are getting stronger. You can feel it too right?" Akaashi says.

"I believe Appa has something to do with it." I say.

"Appa...I almost forgot about him. I feel bad for the foxes. They probably suffered as much as we did." Akaashi says quietly.

I could tell he was sad. Akaashi always had a heart made of gold. I'm sure he has a lot of empathy for those foxes.

"Well if Appa is the one doing all this maybe we should stop Appa so he doesn't hurt anybody else." Akaashi says.

"Well we better start planning. We don't even know where he is located." I say. Although Appa did give us these powers he also made us suffer a lot. He also used many other test subjects that weren't successful. Akaashi and I were lucky we survived the routines. It's unfortunate so many died by his hands.

"Well now starts our new mission!" Akaashi cheers and I smile at his goofiness.

"Let the mission begin."

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