4 - Unexpected Visit

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Teresa sighed in content, dumping her big plastic grocery bag, filled with loose bills onto her bed. Then she grabbed another, doing the same. Total, she dumped four bags, landing in her bed, more like crashing with an unmistakable smile of accomplishment.

Of course it wasn't thousands of dollars, they were more $5 or $1 bills like most strip clubs. They don't normally throw out big bucks so she saved as much as she could.

Truthfully, she never went broke, and she never needed to save money, she had all she needed and more. That was just a lie she told so she wouldn't have to pay much of their share as strippers. She didn't like the concept of having to pay for them to work. They are putting in all the work so why do they have to pay for their spot?

Teresa hardly spent money on herself, so from that and the new $10,000 she got yesterday, she had plenty of money. Teresa only took half of the 10k she was given and threw the rest onto her bed for her to count later on.

Wrapping the band of money up, she grabbed her purse and locked her door as she came out. She had a lock on her room door and she only had two keys. One was a spare kept in the house, but her mother hardly looked for anything, so she wouldn't find it. She heard her mother laughing loudly, meaning she was too busy to care what she was doing.

Teresa walked outside, locking the door and Nina pulled up in her newly washed car. You could tell. The sun shone on it, creating the shine and reflection. She could see herself clearly in the window now, her hair. Nina rolled her eyes, disrupting her view as she rolled the window down and hollered.

"Get in bitch!" Teresa giggled at her outburst, getting in the car.

It was their day off to treat themselves as hard working women should. Not having to work for hours, just to relax.

A girl's day.

* * *

They pulled up into a spa, cheerily and ready to get pampered, something Teresa hardly did.

Teresa giggled as she put her hand to her mouth, looking to the side. She's been waxed multiple times yet every time feels funny. She feels like a teenager. Like her first time allowing someone other than herself to see her vagina. She was against razors. They left razor bumps and she hated trying to shave her lips carefully so as not to nick herself. Her first time getting wax was horrible, it was painful.

"You okay Teresa?" Her waxer or esthetician giggled and she nodded, covering her eyes. It was so weird she felt like that with them, yet not with a man. Maybe because she was a natural seducer. She grabbed her phone, tapping on Nina's contact name since she was in another room.

: How are you feeling?

: Girl, I'm completely fine. I'm about to be bald and everything. No pussy hair hanging out my G strings.

Teresa laughed out loud, her waxer staring at her funnily.

* * * 

"Ahhtt '' Teresa sighed a mixture of a soft moan as her face laid in the soft, leathery texture of the face hole. The feeling of the expensive thread count of the smooth towel against her body made her feel rich. The hands were extreme. Every small touch, relaxing all her muscles from dancing the pole and lap dances. She specifically instructed them to focus more on her ass, hips and thighs. Her main money makers.

Sometimes all she had to do was move one thigh and let her ass do the rest. It was much easier being a thick girl than a petite one.

"About yesterday, what was wrong?" Nina questioned. "You looked tense after your conversation with Desire" She stated and Teresa sighed, remembering it again.

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