18 - Carmel Experience

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"Hai 26 anni figlio, è ora"(You are 26 years old son, it's time) His mother, Nora said, sitting down. Luciano didn't want to hear the conversation again. A conversation he's been hearing for a while now.

" Con tutto il rispetto mamma, dico quando è il momento"(With all due respect mama, I say when it is time)

" Non vorrai essere troppo vecchio per legare con i tuoi figli, vero?" (You don't want to be too old to bond with your children do you?) She questioned, making him huff, irritated by not his mother, but her need to push him into a relationship and into a family.

" Mama-" He huffed and she interrupted him, putting her hand up.

" Conosci le tue responsabilità come Don Luciano"(You know your responsibilities as Don, Luciano) She lectured, like he didn't know. How couldn't he?

" Come potrei dimenticare? Mi ricordi tutto il tempo"(How could I forget, you remind me all the time) He said on the smart side, something he's rarely ever done with his mother as it was disrespectful, but it only showed how bothered he was.

"Penso solo che sia l'ora dei nipoti. Luciano ho 48 anni, non voglio essere troppo vecchio quando mio nipote diventa Don"( I just think it's time for grandchildren. Luciano I am 48 years old, I don't want to be too old when my grandson becomes Don)

"Non sono venuto a parlare delle mie responsabilità" (I didn't come to talk about my responsibilities) He said, getting up and she got up, stopping him.

" You need to have an heir, Luciano. We need to meet a woman who you choose. Your father can set an arranged marr-" He quickly interrupted her before she even finished the wretched sentence.

" No. I will never agree to that"

Luciano's mind pounded with every word he and she said since yesterday. Every thought. He knew he had responsibilities to have an heir and be married. To maybe be engaged, but preferably married in his family's eyes. But he didn't want to find a woman, he had one already, even if she weren't truly his.

But then again, she was.

The sound from the Tv flew through Teresa's ears as she laid her head on the pillow. Her legs were in Adriano's lap, his hands preoccupied with massaging them as they both kept their eyes locked in on the screen. She removed hers and stared at Adriano, him oblivious to her stare.

He was a great person. A great man. A great friend. She knew if she never went for Luciano, they could have been something. Unless he didn't want her, which is absurd when you think about it. Who wouldn't?

They sat like this for maybe an hour now. Relaxing together like regular friends, but now she is bored. Her lips curled into a mischievous smirk. Maybe something entertaining would free her of boredom and this would be unexpected at least to him.

She took her legs off him and she crawled on the couch, into his lap, her back in his chest. The only thing he did was move her hair to the side so he could see.

He simply kept watching Tv.

Turning around, she now straddled his lap and she turned his face to the side, dragging her tongue over his neck, her lips sucking on the wet area hard, wanting to bruise him. Still again, he just kept watching Tv, not giving her attention. She groaned internally and took a step further, kissing up his jaw and bit his ear, slowly grinding up against him. She felt a hand on her thigh and his fingers running up them. They went higher and higher and up to her panties. Then they found their way between them and he cupped her now throbbing pussy and she stopped.

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