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Jolene's pov:

My eyes open welcoming the harsh sunlight coming from the huge bay window, I groan turning to the other side and soon fell asleep again. I felt someone playing with my hair and I knew it was my boyfriend, I open my eyes to see Tadashi with a bright smile.

"What got you so happy this morning?" I asked "Seeing you beautiful face" Tadashi said placing a peck on my lips "And I got you some beautiful flowers that has no pollen since I know your allergic to them" Tadashi added "Thank you, I love them" I said "Your welcome" Tadashi said.

"So, I wanted to ask, if we should get married?" Tadashi asked "I have no problem marrying you but so fast?" I questioned "It's been almost nine months since we're dating and I know normal couples will go two to five years of dating but if you don't wanna do it I won't force you" Tadashi said.

"No, I have no problem marrying you now" I blushed "Oh okay! It's already seven in the morning you should get ready for work" Tadashi said before leaving the room, did I hurt him in some way?.

Tadashi's pov:

Yes! Now I know she's ready to get married but how should I propose, maybe I should as Yushiro for help. After I got did my morning routine and got dressed for work, I made sure to give Jolene a kiss before leaving for office. At work everyone seem surprised which I don't know why.

"You seem happy today, did something happen?" Yushiro asked "I happen to find out that Jolene have no problem with marrying me" I said making him shock "You finally had to guts to ask if she wants to become Mrs. Nakamura" Yushiro smirk "Not as yet, I just have her concent" I said sitting at my desk.

"Then I guess that I'm going to be your best man then" Yushiro said "I'm going to be his best man" Akio said entering my office "How did you get in here?" Yushiro asked "I turned a fly" Akio rolled his eyes "Okay but I have no clue on proposing" I said.

"Well men going down on knees is something we see everyday, let's make it more unique" Akio said "But how?" I questioned "I have an idea, you'll have a date night when your going to propose to her and the morning you'll put the ring on het finger to see if she notice until your ready to propose to her" Yushiro explained.

"Good idea" I said " I think you guys should have a bath together tonight, you do have a hot spring in your house. It's like bonding" Akio said "For once in your life your right" I said "I'll take care of the decorating and location you just need to find a ring" Yushiro said "Then it's all planned" I said.

Jolene's pov:

Today was a tiring day of work, I came home exhausted. Then Yazame told to take off all my clothes and then gave me a robe which was odd but I went with the flow. After changing my clothes Yazame took me to some room which looked like a hot spring.

There I saw Tadashi was waiting for me "Your here, Yazame you may leave" Tadashi said as he acknowledge my presence, this hot spring was like a whole damm swimming pool and it smells like citrus or something. "Come in!" Tadashi gestured at me, if I take off this robe he'll see me naked.

Calm down Jolene! He's your boyfriend "If your not comfortable with me seeing you naked I'll turn my back so you can get in" Tadashi said turning his back to me, such gentleman. I quickly took off my robe and enter the water.

"You can face me now" I said bushing before he turned to me "How was your day?" Tadashi asked "It was good, Akane and Mr. Sato are now in a relationship" I said "Oh that's nice to hear, I ask Yazame to make us some omelet" Tadashi said.

"Is there anything special today?" I asked "No, why do you ask?" Tadashi questioned "Well we never take baths together so I was wondering" I said "You seem stressed lately that's why, now eat" Tadashi said giving me a piece of omelet.

"Let's go on a date night friday" Tadashi said "Okay, should I wear anything formal?" I asked "Just a nice beautiful dress" Tadashi replied. Why is it that Tadashi seem so happy, I wonder what he's up to?...............
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