Chapter Twenty-Two Doctor Doctor

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I sit in the waiting room with everyone. No one speaks. I am shattered. Brooke will never walk again. She will never be able to walk through a park on a summer day or dance her night away at a nightclub. Life in a wheelchair. Life with people treating her different. This is what I caused. If I had spoke to Saxon outside of the car this would have never happened. I want to take it all back I want to reverse time. I know I can’t but I wish I could. I don’t know what to say or do. When Brooke’s parents told us I was speechless I just turned around and sat on the chair next to Diana. I look over at Saxon is he crying uncontrollably and thankfully Dean is comforting him. It’s strange to think that yesterday we weren’t friends with Saxon and today it seems like this tragedy has brought us back together. I look down at my hands and see Diana’s hand in mine. I look up at her face and her eyes are sad. I can see she truly feels for Brooke, her family and her friends.

“Are you alright Tyler?” Diana asks.

“I feel like this is all my fault” I say.

“Why?” Diana asks.

“I shouldn’t of let them in the car I should have spoken to them before I left” I say, “And when they were in my car I should have made sure Brooke sat in the front with her seatbelt on”

“You can’t take the blame Tyler this isn’t anyone’s fault” Diana says, “It’s something that none of you had control of”

None of us had control. Diana’s right. I should have taken control and sorted the situation out; instead I just made it worse. I want to talk to Brooke and see what she says. I am going to keep thinking I am all to blame until them.

The doctor walks out into the waiting room and walks over to Brooke’s parents to start talking. The doctor is young she looks only five or six years old than me. I assume she’s older than that being a doctor just that she obviously has good genes and will look younger when she gets older. Unlike me I will either look my age when I am older or actually look older than I am. I always loose. They are talking for quite a while but they don’t seem to be getting upset or anything. I just want to see Brooke. I worry because I care so much for all my friends no matter what they have done to me, I mean look at Saxon he has basically messed up completely and I still want to be his friend. That’s the type of guy that I am.

“Tyler and Saxon” The doctor calls out, catching me out of my drift off rant.

We both stand up.

“That’s us,” Saxon says.

“You two can see Brooke first” The doctor says.

We both nod and follow the doctor down the hallway. I look back and wink at Diana and word ‘I will see you soon’ to her. She nods and smiles. I look around and follow the doctor down the hall; I feel a giant rock in my stomach I breathe in and out slowly to prepare myself to talk to Brooke. The nerves are kicking in and I can feel my face going red. I don’t want to face Brooke what if she blames me for this? Saxon is in front of me he turns around and I can see the terror in his face.

We walk into the room and see Brooke on the bed she is looking out the window in a daze. Brooke hasn’t quite noticed that we have entered the room. Either that or she is ignoring us. Saxon and I exchange a look. We both walk up slowly to the bed.

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