Chapter Twenty-Five - Walking Through Vegas

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Driving to this charity event I stare out the window and think about Diana. I still can't get over her wanting to end her life. Like I get that things aren't perfect at all and that a lot of people hide how they truly feel but Diana is so young and perfect to me inside and out why would she want to do that. I need to remember that she said she won't do it again so hopefully I can make her that happy that she doesn't even think about doing anything silly to herself again.

I wind down my window and let the cool breeze hit me in the face. I close my eyes and just take in everything that I've been thinking about lately, everything that has happened has all been for a reason and it has made me the person I am now. I have the greatest friends in the world and support from my mother and sister if anything happens. Life is good. I open my eyes. We are already at the event. How the hell did we get here so quick? No doubt Miranda's rally car driving which funnily enough Riya got from her. I open my car door and step out. I look over at the entrance of the hall. People are really dressed up. I don't think this is the Oscar's but people have any excuse to get dressed up and act like they are rich as hell. Charlie has a habit of acting as if we are a happy little family with money. Little do they all know Charlie is a lying cheating piece of shit? As we are waking up slowly to the hall I see Riya looks really worked up as if there is something on her mind. I decide to slow down and cut off in front of her so she stops. I wait until Charlie and Miranda are further in front they can't hear us, I want to talk to Riya without Charlie listening I feel that by the way she is looking at him, it's about him.

"Why are you so tense all of a sudden?" I ask Riya.

"Just Charlie is an idiot as you already know" Riya mumbles.

"I know he's an idiot but why don't we just tell mum soon" I say.

"I would love to tell her right now though" Riya says.

"Agreed" I say, "But we should tell her tomorrow it's been hard finding a chance to actually tell her"

"I want to be the one to tell her and then I want to rub it into Charlie's ugly face" Riya says.

Part of me feel's like when we tell mum what has happened; that will only be the beginning of our problems. As much as I think mum should come to the conclusion herself that Charlie is a bad person I think the only way she is going to see that is if we tell her.

"Hurry up kids" Miranda yells back to us.

We pretend to jog to catch up to them. Mum smiles once we are closely behind them and walking in. The four of us walk in and when I get inside it feels like I am on an episode of gossip girl. People everywhere dressed fancy from head to toe. They have slot machines, card tables and even roulette. It's like as if we are in Vegas except all for charity.

"We are going to go this way" Miranda says, "Try to have fun kids"

Both of them walk off. Charlie not even saying anything. We are left in the middle of the wannabe Vegas floor. Riya and I just look at each other.

"Thanks for leaving us" Riya says sarcastically.

"I know right, what are we going to do?" I say.

Riya scouts the place, looking for someone she may know. In a few minutes I am sure I will be left by myself.

"I see my friends, I'm off" Riya says.

I wave as she walks away. There you go, left by myself. I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do now. I just stare at the floor because that seems like the most exciting thing to do at this stage. I am standing there for about five minutes looking like an idiot, when I hear someone screaming victory on one of the slot machines. I jolt my head back around. I am sure I can win like that guy. It can't take much skill to do it. Just pure luck. I have bagged a really hot girlfriend so I am feeling pretty lucky tonight.

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