Chapter One, White Eyes

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The mines were always ominous. One moment, there would be flecks of iron or gold hiding within the dull stone walls, but in the next moment, there would be nothing but an empty hall to echo the sounds of the mobs that lurked within. It was the echoes that were deceiving. It was the echoes that could kill. A far off groan of an undead miner could easily be mistaken for being closer than it would appear. This was why nobody mined here anymore. The monsters were growing high in numbers. Even on the surface of the bright earth, they were growing bolder in the night. The caves were supposedly haunted by the ghosts of those that couldn't survive. But even though the mineshaft had been abandoned long ago, it didn't stop an adventurer like you.

Sweat dripped off of your forehead as you panted. Your diamond pickaxe was held firmly in your hand, sturdy enough to cut through the toughest obsidian as you worked. Soot and dirt coated your skin and your face, but still you hacked away at the wall with determination. It took most of your strength to keep mining. Behind you, a minecart sat on a firm metal rail with many materials you had scavenged. Iron, gold, coal, redstone, and everything except for diamonds sat nice and packed together. You had found a few raw items left behind by the previous miners such as a few torches and left over pumpkin seeds. Sometimes when you got hungry you nibbled on them just to satisfy your growling stomach. Even though you planned to take the extra minerals, none of it was too important. What you really wanted was to see that new, light blue glow of diamonds residing in the stone. It had only been a couple of hours, but it felt like the search went on forever. If you kept this up, fighting monsters just to get more out of your trips, your diamond sword would snap in half like a twig. You never liked staying in the mines for too long, so with a tired groan, you decided to head back up. Sighing, you slung your pickaxe over your shoulders and wiped off your sweat with your sleeve. All you found in that wall were five measly lumps of coal. It wasn't much, but maybe the blacksmith in the village would trade you an emerald for it.

With that in mind, you dropped them into your worn leather satchel before hopping aboard the minecart. You held onto the side with your body and feet clinging onto the end of it. Using your strength, you pushed the minecart until it was rolling down the tracks with that familiar rustic sound. A lantern stood in front of the minecart at all times, lighting the way. As for your sword, it was in your hand just in case anything tried to creep up on you. Although you had visited this place many times, something about this time felt different. The minecart turned a corner whilst you continued to ponder. Every once and a while, you'd glance back at the darkness of the empty hall. It sounded crazy, but you felt like the walls had eyes. The minecart began to pass a large underground pocket of lava. The warmth of the cave made you sweat even more, not to mention, it lit up the walls with an eerie glow. You thought it would be better here since it was too bright for mobs to spawn. But still, the feeling was there. Normally you'd brush this aching feeling off because of how the caves were usually crawling with the undead, but this time you felt that something else, something new was watching. You knew it. You knew you weren't seeing something. Just as you were looking back, you saw it! Putting your foot down to stop the minecart, you peered up at the ceiling.

There, peeking out of the stone were three precise, light blue, glistening rocks. A smile rose onto your face once you realized you had found what you were looking for. As quickly as you could, you shuffled to grab your pickaxe again. The diamonds were a little ways above the edge of the lava pool, so you should've been able to make it without falling in. Blinded by the excitement of crafting a new sword, you barely noticed a quiet set of four feet trailing up behind you. Before you could even think twice, a soft hissing noise poisoned the air with dread. Your head whipped around to face the green creature, hand hastily reaching for your hidden, enchanted iron dagger.


You were barely able to see the creeper's face as it burst into an explosion that knocked you clean off of your feet. The air was nearly knocked out of you from the impact. Letting out a shocked cry, you fell to the floor as some gravel plummeted from the ceiling. Eyes widening, you dropped your sword into the fiery pit beneath you so that you could hold on to the edge without falling in. If you had let go, it would've been a very painful death. Being burnt alive wasn't exactly your idea of dying, so you held on.

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