Chapter Three, Captured

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"Did you think I would let you go?! Did you actually think I would forget about you and walk away like the fool you take me for? You have no idea how tempting it is to hurt you, to make you feel the same pain, the same rejection I felt when you ran away from me.... I'd be so happy to touch you again, to watch that beautiful face of yours contort into pain while I smile at your suffering. But no. No, perhaps I won't. Y'know...Hurting you would be too easy. And that's no fun, is it? I think I prefer it when you're calm, when you're vulnerable and submissive underneath me. Oh Y/N... the things I do for you. I know you're terrified of me, but not to worry. I understand. I don't blame you for such a silly assumption. For that I'll forgive you, but first you have to wake up...."


You were ripped out of sleep, panting and sweating from the nightmare. It felt as if something hard had been pressing against your chest, heavy and unmerciful. His voice was still ringing through your head, causing you to have a small migraine while you sat up. You blinked a couple of times, realizing you were on the floor in the doorway of the entrance leading inside your house. Your hair was a mess, and your eyes were slightly pink and sleep-deprived. Groaning, you took the time to remove your armor. Tiny blue bruises had been left from where the iron hinges pinched your skin. Even after putting your hair up into a messy bun, you still looked like you had gotten smashed with an anvil. It hurt to think about the night before. You had rode as fast as you could through that desert and hightailed it straight home. Speckle was loose in the front yard when you woke up, drinking water from the nearby well. As for you, you must've collapsed and hit your head when you finally made it. It took so much out of you. Herobrine's words lingered in your mind, confusing you further. It still didn't make any sense. The way he saved you in the mines, the way he was messing with your sanity, the way he caressed your face at the desert temple... all of it confused you. Was he lovesick, or just plain crazy? Was he toying with you, just to get a good laugh? Whatever answer it was, anyone with half a brain wouldn't want to stick around to find out.

The sun was already up and halfway through the sky by then. You dug an extra saddle out of the shed before running around your house frantically for items you knew you had to take. You had to run, you had to go far away and start over someplace new. If you were lucky, you'd reach the ocean by nightfall. From there you could build a boat and sail away. The mobs wouldn't be able to find you on the sea, and hopefully Herobrine wouldn't locate you by then. You wanted to disappear. Maybe you could find an island, a nice little deserted island where nothing could hurt you. Maybe you'd befriend a parrot or a goldfish. Yes, that was a good plan. It sucked, but it was a plan. You walked back and forth between the kitchen and your bedroom, throwing as many things as you could into your satchel. From food to water, to maps and weapons, everything you owned was packed away. Your heart was still beating quickly, paranoia and fear consuming you from head to toe. Even though you were tired out of your mind, you were still frantic with your movements. By the time you had packed what you needed, you charged out the door and began to saddle your horse. "C'mon, we have to go! I know you're tired, but we can't stop!" You told Speckle, whom you noticed was panting heavily just like you.

Suddenly, you gasped as something pointy and cold tapped against the back of your neck. "Turn around, and raise your hands." A clanky, sharp voice demanded from behind you. You froze and turned around around to face the source. There, standing a little too close to you, was a skeleton wearing an iron armor and a small copper badge on his left shoulder. Behind him were two other skeletons wearing the same attire, only, they were mounted on top of two giant ugly spiders with glowing red eyes and hairy legs. "I said, raise your hands!" It spoke again, jaw sliding unnaturally. With its arrow pointing straight at your heart, you swallowed hard once you realized you had no way around this. Not only that, but you could see at least a handful of similar zombies standing right behind the spider jockeys. There was no doubt that they were there to make sure you wouldn't get away this time. "Alright! Alright! I'm cooperating, this is me being cool." You dropped your leather satchel, placing your hands by the sides of your head in the air. The skeleton with the bronze metal motioned with his head for two of the zombies to approach. "Don't hurt my horse, just let her go." You spoke up, trying to sound unafraid. "Shut your trap!" He answered gruffly. One of the zombies was nice enough to heed your plea. You watched out of the corner of your eye as he untied Speckle's reins and dropped her saddle to the ground. "Don't get any funny ideas. And don't think I won't shoot you if you try to run. It would be my pleasure." He growled towards you. The other zombie grabbed your wrists and secured them behind your back with a tight rope. You glared at the skeleton in front you, swearing to yourself that you'd punch the bastard in his non-existent nose if you ever got the chance. "What are you doing?!" You asked. "Do you have anything you want to take?" He ignored your question, keeping his arrow pointing straight at your heart just in case you decided to try anything. "Well?" He snapped after you were silent for a few moments. "My satchel. That's all." You replied quick, not wanting to piss him off more than you already had.

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