Chapter Two, He's Watching

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You decided that you couldn't handle being alone after the incident. You didn't want to go back to the mines, and you didn't want to tend to your garden of crops either. Therefore, you saddled up your horse and decided going to the village would take your mind off things. On the bright side, you had a lot of extra materials anyway. You threw the note he had left you into the fireplace before saddling your horse and heading down the dirt road. The village was a little ways north passed the river in a vast grassy plains biome. The ground was wet from the night before. It must've rained when you had fallen asleep. You knew in the back of your mind that he had most likely caused you to pass out. It scared you, really. Knowing that he had the power to do that whenever he wanted was nagging at your head. Not that you would show it in front of the villagers.

If the village knew you had seen him, there was a good chance he would start tormenting them too. The last thing you wanted was for someone to get hurt because of you. As you rode through the forest, you were now uneasy since you knew he could show up at any moment to frighten you or take you away. If he caught you there was a good chance you'd never be seen again. You remembered how his hand felt back in the mines, replaying the memory of being pulled to safety. If he was such a cold-blooded killer, why would he save you? Was he waiting for the right moment? Did he have a more painful death in mind for you? What could be more painful than lava? That thought alone was enough to make you and your horse gallop a little quicker. You crossed the wooden bridge over the river, and passed back through the spruce trees. Every once and a while you felt like you could see him out of the corner of your eye. And every time you would glance his way he would let you see him for a few extra seconds. It baffled you, really. First he saved you, then he broke your window, and now he was stalking you. Why he let you see him for a little while was beyond you. The horizon line was bright as you approached the green hills of the plains. In the distance you could see the outline of the village growing closer and closer. The pink sunrise gave you enough strength to mask your fear. The villagers looked up to you because of your bravery and skill. You wouldn't taint your reputation just because of him, not now, not ever.

Immediately as you entered the outskirts of town, you noticed something felt off. Normally the air smelled of baked goods and fresh chimney smoke, but now there was a new smell added to the mix of morning dew. "Hello Y/N!" A farmer greeted you with the tip of his straw hat. "Good morning." You replied shortly, still sniffing the air with your nose scrunched up. You were never one for conversation. Being social was definitely not on your strong side, not that it stopped you from being yourself. Something smelled bad, and you couldn't pinpoint what it was. The farmer noticed your expression and gave you a look of concern. "Is everything alright?" He asked you. "Yes, fine." You replied quickly, about to ride further into town. "What's that smell?" You questioned, wanting to know what was so off. "Ah, that would be my unfortunate livestock that got killed this morning."

"Killed?" You gawked.

"Yes. A wolf must've got into the pasture during the night. When I woke up, half of my cattle were rotting in the fields. I just finished burying them this morning." He explained sadly. "That's... awful." You didn't know what to say. "Yes, well, I'll be sure to take better care next time. Good day to you." He went back to tending his fields, leaving you to ponder if the event was related to Herobrine or not. You said nothing as you rode away with no emotion in your eyes. But that wasn't the end of it. The village was abuzz as usual. The wooden buildings with cobblestone bases and straw roofs sat peacefully in the middle of the countryside just as it had always been. When you made your way into town, the blacksmith you usually traded with was acting extremely odd. Even before you approached his shop a nearby butcher had warned you, "Bernard has been up since midnight pacing around the streets. He kept rambling on and on about nightmares and how he's doomed. I don't think visiting him would be wise." That made your heart race again, but you kept your cool and ignored the warning. This was Bernard. He was like family. He always gave you advice and traded with you whenever he could. Heck, your first iron sword came from his shop! But what happened next shattered your soul into a million pieces. When you knocked on the door of his home he practically tore the door off of its hinges and grabbed you by your shoulders. "You!" He cried. "You're the reason! Your the reason! Your the reason!" Bernard, a short man with a small beard and a thick uni-brow mumbled frantically to you with immense fear. His emerald eyes were pink as if he hadn't slept in months, and his quivering body was colder than ice as he spoke. You backed away from him, expression falling as he continued, "He's going to kill me. He's coming. He wants you. Get out. Go far away. Far away! You'll be dead by nightfall if you don't go now!"

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