Chapter Twenty Seven, Reconciled

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Your eyes fluttered open. Your body felt worn and hazy, as if it were still asleep. The air was warmer where you laid on the comfortable woolen bed. Silky burnt umber blankets were thrown over you, resting peacefully without disturbance. It smelled different too, like a combination of forest and Hero's scent... That's when it hit you. You weren't at the beach, or at Alex's house, or at the mansion! Immediately you sat up as memories from last night shot back into your head, only to cover yourself with one of the blankets once you realized you were still half-naked. Your eyes were met with a strange sight. The bed you were sleeping on was in the center of what looked to be a large orange-hued tent. It had a few clothes littered on the ground along with a few abandoned tools. There was a crafting table on the other side of the room, but other than that you were alone. Just as you were about to step out of bed, you let out a silent gasp when a voice interrupted your hurried thoughts. "Ah, good morning gorgeous! You're finally awake. I was starting to think that I might've been too rough with you last night." Herobrine chuckled lightly as he strolled inside the tent, tossing back the flap door when he did so. You wrapped the covers over your chest in order to shield yourself. His brown hair was still messy from the previous night. He was still shirtless, but compared to you, he appeared more lively as if he had been awake much longer.

"HERO!!! Wha... What happened? What did you do??! Don't you ever knock?!" You asked, face turning red, causing him to laugh at your reaction.

"First of all, there is no door to knock on. Secondly, I brought us breakfast. You didn't think I was going to leave you on the beach after all the fun we had, did you? No need to cover yourself, sweetheart. I've seen everything." He shook his head playfully, admiring how adorable you looked when you were flustered. At first he was smug, but then once he saw your embarrassment, his empty eyes softened and became more genuine with you. "It's alright, Y/N. Now that we're together again, you'll never have to worry about anything ever again. Now, have some breakfast. I know you're hungry." He sat down beside you on the bed. In his hand was a plate that had freshly sizzled bacon, eggs, bread, cheese, and a small bowl of what looked to be hot tea. You were about to ask for your clothing, but he was one step ahead of you. "Here you are, sweetheart." Herobrine said lovingly, handing you what looked to be a soft, folded, dark red dress of some kind. It was nothing fancy, just a casual set of clothes that was specifically woven for your comfort. You snatched it from his hand and scrambled to your feet, not caring what he saw anymore. As you shuffled the dress over yourself, he explained, "In case your wondering, I spared Monte his life despite his insubordination. Whatever he decides to do now, I won't punish him for it. I didn't want to put you through more grief. He was supposed to come back to camp but hasn't returned." 

"Are all the soldiers here?"

"Of course. I had them walk all this way to be sure you wouldn't be able to run from me this time. We've already established that I would've done anything for you. I would've sent a fully armed battalion if it meant finding you again."

"And what about Alex???"

"What about her?" 

"She's probably realized I've dissappeared, what if she thinks I'm hurt or worse?!" You huffed, throwing your tangled hair behind your head before tying it back in a messy, low ponytail. "Calm down, Y/N. Relax. You're overreacting." He smirked, that same irresistible grin. "No I'm not!" You argued. You struggled to zip the back of your dress, feeling all the more frustrated as he giggled at your predicament. Herobrine stood up and approached you with a signature dopey grin that you both hated and adored. His smile always made you feel as if he knew something you didn't, like he was planning to do something mischievous or teasing. The image of that grin from the previous night was still burned into your brain. Yes it was handsome, yes it made you blush, but that didn't mean you weren't a tad angry at him for making you look so weak. "I know what this is. You're just upset that I've won." He stated, crossing his arms in front of his chest proudly. Your face was pink when you argued back wholeheartedly, "Won? What do you mean won?  I'm sorry to burst your bubble Mr. all-mighty Herobrine, but I am not some grand prize you can claim. I am not your object, and I will never be considered that so you can just-"

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