Chapter Eight, The Return

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Herobrine teleported you both back to the mansion, where he laid you down on the bed and began to tend to your wound. You were reluctant to let him do so since you thought he would just hurt you again. Because of that idea lurking in the back of your head, you wouldn't let him touch you. However, he seemed to calm your thoughts. "Y/N... if you would just let me help you. I know you're still afraid, but you and I both know that the arrow was enough of a punishment for today. I'll let your little escape attempt slide this once, alright?" His white eyes looked at you with a sigh. "Now, let me see your shoulder."

You complied, but only because you saw no reason to rebel against it. Turning yourself slightly, you allowed him to touch you again. With one of his hands, he pressed his palm gently against where you had gotten shot. You watched him inhale deeply, shutting his ivory eyes. At first you were confused. Shouldn't he be wrapping it in gauze? Shouldn't he be using a washcloth or at the very least a pair of tweezers to get the left behind splinters out of your wound? In the middle of your confusion, you watched as his hand glowed with light. Gasping slightly, you couldn't help but shake from the feeling so he placed his other hand on your back to keep you as still as possible. "Hero? What're you..." Your voice trailed off. It felt as if your shoulder was being soaked with lava that couldn't burn, but at the same time, it also felt like a thousand goosebumps had arisen from your skin. When the feeling ended, and he had opened his eyes, there was no more pain. Herobrine smiled lightly at your reaction, speaking in a soft tone, "See? I handled it." You gave him a bewildered stare. He removed his hand from your shoulder, but kept the other one on your back. Turning your attention to your body, you moved your shoulder only to find that it was as good as new. Whatever he did, it healed you. "I'm... I'm okay?" You said quietly, stunned that he did such a thing.

"Yes. Yes you are." He agreed even though you thought he couldn't hear you. His hand massaged your back as if trying to calm you. Sighing deeply, he shook his head, "Oh sweetheart, you have no idea how worried you make me. Anything could've happened in the forest, and I might not have gotten there on time to save you. Don't you realize that? Of all things to run away for, I don't understand why you'd run away from my affection. I wasn't going to force myself on you, if that was what you were thinking. I'm waiting for you to love me, remember? I won't stop waiting until you finally realize you're mine just as I'm yours." His words made you blush, which you cursed yourself for. He was a psycho. You shouldn't be flustered or effected by his weightless words. "I know you're tired, but you're also hungry no doubt. I'll have dinner brought up so we can spend some time together. Why don't you go and clean up?" He was referring to your blood-stained clothes. You still felt agitated at the idea that he was telling you what to do. For as long as you could remember, you had been your own boss. You had decided when to bathe, when to sleep, when to eat, and when to frolic through the wilderness. Yet, there you were, finding yourself doing exactly what he told you for a reason your brain couldn't pinpoint.

You picked out a set of lounge pants along with a soft long sleeved shirt before heading into the bathroom for another shower. Your heart was still shaken up from what had happened, your brain trying to forget the pain. Outside, Herobrine waited for you as he sat down on the bed. Since you were so hungry, you got out of the shower as quickly as possible, drying your hair to the best of your ability. He smiled at you when you walked out, giving you a look that seemed to tell you he wanted something from you. "What do you want?" You asked, tired of his flirtatious gaze. "Oh gee, I don't know... maybe a hug?" He answered. If he had normal eyes you were certain that they'd resemble a puppy begging for food. Knowing that he wouldn't stop pestering you until you gave him what he wanted, you nodded and waddled over to him. He stood up and outstretched his arms. You were so tired you didn't care. He was taller than you so you simply leaned against him with your forehead pressed against his chest, acting as if you were forced to obey such a feat. Nevertheless, he accepted it. And as much as you didn't want to admit it, the action felt nice. If only he could be like this more often. "Hero?"

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