Chapter Twenty Six, "I love you, Hero."

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*WARNING: This chapter contains mature content. Proceed at your own risk ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*

Stars filled the night sky along with the waning moon that inched further up into the sky with every passing minute. You watched from the porch as the pack of wolves settled down to sleep at the foot of the watchtower, which acted like a lighthouse in the darkness. The beacon was still running, and the spawning of mobs in the forest was most likely abundant by now. It had been a couple of days since Alex showed you your lost memories. You had done lots of things since then. You helped her craft new tools, you accompanied her for a swim in the ocean's warm water, and you even helped her hunt new game with the pack. Midnight, it turns out, was the alpha among the grey wolves. She always led with her nose in the air, able to sniff out danger from a mile away. It had been a while since you fought creepers and spiders, but Alex appreciated the company. You were never hungry or scared with her around. There was more than enough salmon, mutton, and whiskey to fill your stomachs. You two had gotten closer in your friendship to a point where you trusted her more than anybody. Alex seemed to be larger than life because of her ability to talk about almost anything and everything. You bonded over each meal, each conversation, and each ridiculous joke. Since she was older than you, she often gave you advice which you appreciated greatly. You respected her wisdom, and she respected your passionate attitude.

"Are you coming in?" She asked you from the doorway, causing you to turn your head. "I think I'll stay up a little bit longer." You told her. Alex nodded, "Still waiting for him?" You nodded back, "He's close. I can feel it. I just... I don't want a repeat of last time. I want to be awake when he comes so that... so that you don't get hurt."

"Hey, it's alright. Stay up for as long as you want. Even if you do go to bed, keep in mind I always sleep with a dagger underneath my pillow. Do you still have the one you got from Monte?"


"Good. Well, I'm gonna hit the hay. If you need anything, or if he shows up and you need backup just call for me. I'll defend you with my life if I have to. Course, even without my help I know you can handle him. If Herobrine decides to fight a girl like you, he's gonna lose." She chuckled, causing you to crack a smile as well. "G'night, Y/N," Alex breathed before heading back inside the house. "G'night." You said with a sigh, eyes shifting back to the ocean. The lantern beside you lit up the remainder of the porch, but other than that, the house darkened after Alex laid down to sleep. You still couldn't understand how she could be so fearless. Even though you understood yourself better, you still had fear inside you no matter what. You were anxious to see Herobrine again. Not only that, but you hoped Monte was alright after what had happened. You prayed that he was alive and well, leading the rest of his brethren far away from the mansion's shadow. You shivered slightly from the wind. You were wearing a sleeveless dark green tunic that was secured with a thick brown belt and black trousers. Alex gave you a dark magenta shawl, so you wrapped that around your shoulders while you gazed at the sea. You looked in the direction of the portal you arrived in, which was in part of the second bay that was hidden by the ferns and the spruce trees. You heard a distant howl echo through the air. It was far away, not to mention such a lonely sound to hear. You figured the woods would be crawling with mobs by now thanks to your disappearance.

You leaned against one of the wooden posts, watching as the waves on the beach rose and fell. You heard the crickets chirping and the leaves swaying. Every once and a while, you'd stare at the light that was shooting from the beacon up at the watchtower. Although you swore you had never seen it before, you wondered if Steve might've been able to see it all the way back at the cottage when he was still alive. You were tired of "what if" questions. Looking out at the forest caused you to feel drowsy. You decided to sit down on one of the wooden stairs in order to rest for just a few minutes. You sat the lantern beside you before leaning your head against the post. It was strange. After all this time, Herobrine hadn't entered your mind with another nightmare since you left. Normally you would've heard something by now, taunting you and teasing your senses. You couldn't help but doze off slightly at the sound of the breeze tickling a few wooden windchimes Alex had hung on a few nearby trees. Fireflies danced around them, causing them to appear brighter in the dark. You fell asleep with ease, forgetting your purpose, forgetting your pain, and forgetting about everything else except pure rest.

You Will Love Me (YANDERE HEROBRINE X READER)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora