Chapter Twenty Two, Floating Trees

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"You know, I was thinking today."

"And that always ends well." You joked. The two of you were in the living room, sitting in front of the fireplace. Two cleaned plates of what remained of your dinner sat on the glass table. The grandfather clock sitting in the corner proved that it was already passed nightfall. For some reason, however, you weren't tired just yet. Herobrine sat with his feet up on the opposite couch, meanwhile you rested your head on his shoulder. You felt the warmth of the fire light soak through your skin along with the surface of your face. It felt... fulfilling and satisfactory. The both of you were comfortable and full. Even though you still weren't some docile damsel in distress, it didn't mean you had to repress your soft side any longer. After all, you weren't exactly sure about what was right or what was wrong any longer. You didn't know why, but you felt that you stopped fighting in that debate a very long time ago. You had spent so much time alone, the line between both sides was now blurry. He chuckled beside you with a reply, "I was thinking about somewhere I want to show you. Somewhere special." You turned your head slightly to meet his gaze as he continued, "I know its been hard for you to stay put within these walls, so I thought it'd be appropriate for us to go on a little adventure together... if you're up for it, that is."

"Name the place." You answered with a grin, excited by the idea of leaving the mansion for once. You were aching to see something new, something apart from the same walls that made you feel trapped. "It's doesn't exactly have a name. It's far, far away. I'm the only one who has the ability to teleport to and from there. Those who have tried to reach it often give up due to how tedious the journey can be on foot." He explained, grabbing even more of your interest. "Is it dangerous?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at his description. Even if he told you it was, you still wouldn't change your mind. With how boring life got just sitting around, you wouldn't have minded a little thrill. But Herobrine only shook his head, a little offended that you thought he'd put you in danger, "No, no, no, nothing like that. It's the place where I first spawned. We're all connected to where we begin, it's what gives us a purpose and inspires us. I know you started out in the daisy field, and I know Steve started out in the east plains, but me- I'm connected to somewhere completely different. So, what do you say? Want to go on another date?" He smirked. Even though his eyes were blank, you felt that they were giving you a look of flirtation.

"Even if I wanted to say no, you'd bring me anyway." You stated. He nodded, "You're not wrong." You didn't know why, but when he said that, it saddened you. Yes, you did want to go, but did he really have to tell you that he still had power over what you desired? What if he pressured you into something you didn't want to do? Would he force you along anyway? It might've seemed trivial, but it still upset you. The two of you stood up. You were about to say something when Herobrine told you, "I'm going to grab a few things, but feel free to take whatever you like." He winked at you before disappearing into a cloud of white fog.

You looked down at yourself, realizing that you probably shouldn't wear a skirt and sandals to wherever he was going to take you. For all you knew, it could be a place of fire and parkour. Therefore, you made your way upstairs to the bedroom. It took a while to find a pair of light brown boots along with chocolate shorts that hugged your legs and fell to your knees. Paired with a white tank top, you felt comfortable in its simplicity. Whatever adventure he had in mind, you felt prepared for it. You checked yourself for the fourth time in the mirror as if one hair out of place would mean the end of the world. As always, you did nothing with your hair. You did, however, grab your satchel which was collecting dust on the bedside table. Except for the worn-out journal, you had touched nothing else. It had nothing but that and your hand drawn map of each biome, forest, and cave you had discovered years prior. You missed the presence of your dagger, but there was no use in arguing with Herobrine to give it back. He likely confiscated it again after Prysm's death. Nevertheless, your journal was till there and you figured that whatever he was about to show you would make an amazing entry. Everything else was recorded in it. From the moment he saved you in the mineshaft up until the day you taught him how to dance was all written down in precise detail. Some entries even had drawings sketched out in ink. While you didn't think they were that impressive, they would've likely been above average to anyone else.

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