Chapter Seven, A Rogue Arrow

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You opened your eyes suddenly, as if you had been awoken from a nightmare that you couldn't recall. Memories flooded back to you gradually, the fog of forcefully being put to sleep made it harder to remember all at once. Your fingers traced the silky, crimson sheets, hoping to wake up rather than fall asleep again. You noticed you were back in Herobrine's bedroom, though to your luck, he was nowhere to be seen. You sat up to make sure before forcing yourself to get out of bed. You hazily walked barefoot on the carpet, making your way over to the wardrobe so that you could have a new set of clothes to change into. You grabbed what looked to be a navy blue, V-necked jumpsuit and paired it with a chocolate brown vest along with a matching belt and a pair of sensible shoes. The jumpsuit was a little dressy for your taste, but it was also comfortable.

It felt good to shower even though you swore to yourself not to enjoy the mansion too much. There was no way you'd stick around just because of some hot water and fancy soaps. It would take a lot more than that for you to stay put. Nevertheless, you admitted to yourself it was nice. Afterwards you dried your hair as much as you could, leaving it down so that the leftover water could evaporate. Once you were satisfied, you walked back out and plopped on the bed. You were tempted to lay down again since you were still tired, but instead you just sat on the edge with your eyes gazing outside the window. The sun's position in the sky told you that it was a little later in the morning. Truth be told, you were spacing out as you looked out on the dark forest that was keeping you captive. The more you stared, the more you let your mind wander. You wondered where Steve was. You wondered if he had gotten away alright and unharmed. He was probably halfway across the valley by now, if not farther. You wouldn't blame him if he decided to forget about you. Of course, your feelings were still a little hurt at the fact that he ran. Then again, any sane person would've done so. Could you blame him for running from Herobrine? "Did you sleep well?" Herobrine's voice tore you away from your thoughts. Speak of the devil. You turned your head, a small glare residing on your face. He still smiled at you for some reason, plopping himself next to you. "It's better when you're not forcefully put to sleep, but what do I know?" You replied critically.

"I would've punished you last night, far worse than the last time." He told you, smile fading. "Then why didn't you?" You dared to ask, partly because you were curious. "Because I want to know why you went to Steve. Give me a reason."

A reason? Really? He didn't already know? He couldn't connect the dots? You looked at him, puzzled. "Don't you get it?" You breathed, taking on a softer tone. Herobrine tilted his head as you continued, interested in what you had to say for yourself, "I tried to escape again because I don't want this. I don't want to change who I am just to be in your presence. I don't want to cower at the idea that you can do whatever you want to me just because you're Herobrine! You think that doesn't scare me? You think I don't fear you? For all I know you can decide to hurt me again just because the wind changed direction, or because its Saturday! At least I knew Steve wasn't like you. I could actually talk to him without worrying that he'd turn on me..." You trailed off, not believing how much you had just spilled to him. You weren't accustomed to sharing your feelings at all, especially not with your enemy. It was everything against your personal code to let your guard down, but for some reason, you felt you just had to make an exception. Herobrine saw how your eyes watered when you spoke, how much emotion was bottled up inside you. He knew you were trying to appear tough on the outside but he could see right through you. "Sweetheart, I'm not against you. I may not understand why you don't want me yet, but I can be extremely patient. You're worth everything to me and more, I'll wait as long as it takes." He said, breathing deeply.

You tensed slightly as his masculine hands grasped yours. Since your hands were cold, it felt like he was defrosting them within seconds. At first it felt relieving, but then, then he squeezed your hands a little harder as if to hold them in place by your sides. Slowly, he leaned in towards your ear. You sat there, frozen as he did so, feeling defenseless when he whispered, "There's just one thing I'd like for you to keep in mind, Y/N."

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