Chapter Twelve, The Escape

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"Y/N? Y/N are you alright?" The voice of Prysm echoed throughout the chamber. You didn't move, your hands still remained glued to your tear-stained face. The sound of Prysm's skeletal footsteps approached you cautiously. "What happened?" He asked you softly, You looked up slowly, taking a deep breath when you did so. Prysm knelt down to you, dark round eyes scanning your face with concern. He saw your tears, but he also saw a faint, red ring around your neck from where Herobrine had held you. Immediately, he knew what had happened. "Oh... Oh oh oh... oh no, hold on. I'll help you!" He sputtered, removing his leather quiver. You stared at him blankly, watching him remove his arrows and shuffle through what you assumed were his few personal belongings. You said nothing. What was there to say?

"Here, I was saving this for a rainy day." He pulled out a round glass bottle that had red liquid bubbling slightly inside it. Just by looking at the substance's glow, you knew exactly what it was. You used to see potions for sale in the village, but usually, they were always too expensive. You shakily took the bottle from Prysm, whom had already removed the cork for you. Raising to your lips, you gulped at least two mouthfuls. The healing potion tasted like a mixture of watermelon and metal, along with a hint of something sour. It wasn't the best taste, but it didn't make you gag either. It flowed down into your throat then your stomach, making you feel warm from the inside. Any bruises or muscle strains were being repaired along with your tainted voice box and the ring around your throat. "T-Thank you." You told Prysm, wiping your face one last time. "Of course. Don't drink all of it! Save some for Steve."

"Steve is alive?"

"Barely. If we don't hurry, he could be killed any minute. When I heard all the commotion, I knew I'd have to help you get out." He reached deeper into his quiver. You gaped at him, not knowing what to say, "What do you mean get out? There is no way out of here, the doors are locked, the servants' quarters are guarded, Herobrine's here, and how can I leave without Steve? I'd never forgive myself if I left him behind!" Your words were true. Even though you still hated him for what he did, for betraying you and hurting you, you wouldn't be able to sleep for the rest of your life knowing that you could've saved him. Prysm nodded at you, understanding where you were coming from. "Steve won't be an issue. I've already planned it all out." In his bony fingers was a metal ring that had three iron keys attached to it. They jangled when he placed them in your hand. "It takes these three keys to unlock the basement door. I'll go with you. Once we have Steve, I'll lead you out the servants' quarters without any trouble. Herobrine will be occupied for another hour or two. You have to trust me. If you stay, you'll both get hurt worse than before." He told you. You looked at him with a frown, "What about you? Why don't you come with us?" To which Prysm sighed deeply, "If I escape with you, I'd be putting you in danger. Once they realize I'm on your side, we'll be found faster than you can blink. Once you're gone... all I ask is that you don't acknowledge me if we ever meet again whether it be here or in the wilderness."

"I trust you, Prysm... but I know I'll miss and remember you for every day that goes by." You told him as you both stood up. Prysm never felt so touched by another person's words. He smiled at you with his toothed grin, trying to lighten the mood by saying, "Well... I never really cared for bright days, but I still want you to enjoy them." He caused the corner of your lip to raise slightly with gratefulness. "Then what're we waiting for? The quicker we get Steve, the better." You whispered, feeling that if you spoke louder, Herobrine could've heard you all the way from wherever he went. Prysm agreed with you, "Right this way." He began walking with you out the hall. "Captain is busy with perimeter checks around this time, so there shouldn't be many guards inside the mansion." He informed you, peering his head over a corner before letting you know it was clear. You both walked on your toes, trying to remain unseen. Together, you walked down the familiar staircase and towards the stairs that led downwards. Seeing the heavy iron door to the basement made you nervous. You had no idea what was beyond that door, and you dreaded going inside. Besides, Herobrine had warned you never to step foot in there. "I'll stand guard, you get him out. If anything goes wrong, I'll cover for you." Prysm said, removing his bow in an attempt to look intimidating. He stood just above the stairs, ushering for you to hurry while his gaze fled up and down the corridor.

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