Chapter Twenty Eight, Tomorrow

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The reunion with Erebus was a strange moment to say the least. At first you weren't sure if he remembered everything because of how positive, poised, and polite he seemed. You noticed that he appeared to be younger and cleaner than when you last saw him. His violet eyes were calmer and tired, as if he had traveled timelessly between worlds within seconds. The first thing that came out of his mouth was an apology aimed towards you. In your case, it was easier to forgive him again, but for Monte, it was a whole other story. He felt torn when he looked at the enderman that he had slain, like a failure for not being able to keep him dead. Erebus was the one who assigned him his duty as Captain all those years ago. He was the one who led him to the mansion, organized his first training drills, and dragged Prysm into his job as a member of domestic life. The Erebus that Monte looked at resembled the old Erebus in a way. There was no more excitement or eagerness to rise through the ranks. When Monte's hollow gaze shifted to his violet eyes, he saw no longer saw desperation for power. Instead, he saw a mob just like him.  Monte thought that he'd be beyond upset to face Erebus again, but he wasn't. He walked up to the enderman and held out a bony hand, accepting the shallow but honest apology that his enemy had to offer.

Erebus might've killed his brother, the one person he tried so hard to fight for, but that was nothing compared to the fact that Erebus was also the one to lift your spirits when he wasn't around. Erebus was the one to convince you of your strength when you lost it. That's why he was no longer worth fighting. Monte loved you more than he hated Erebus.

And so, one moment led to another.  Herobrine kissed your cheek before disappearing into a cloud of white fog, on his way to fetch the bodies of both Steve and Prysm. Alex, Monte, and Erebus stood by your side while you waited anxiously for his return. Erebus tried to regain your favor again by making tea. But when he asked Alex where the kitchen was, she laughed and said, "Kitchen? Just use the fire." After pointing to the middle of the room, Erebus was horrified once he realized just how "disorganized" the house was. "No kitchen?! How barbaric, but I suppose it will have to do." You thought that the two wouldn't get along. It worried you since Monte already stood on thin ice with Erebus. To your surprise however, Alex got along just fine. "Are all endermen this eloquent, or are you just lucky?" She asked him. "I'm flattered, but I'm afraid manners such as mine are quite rare in the wild." He chuckled, rattling off a few other words you drowned out. They continued to talk by the fire, passing the time. You remained with Monte on the porch, looking out at the beach.

"Are you alright?" You asked him, knowing that there was more to hide behind his strong expression. "No." He answered, "But it isn't something you can fix. Don't weaken yourself by pitying me." He showed hardly any emotion when he looked at you. "Is this about Prysm?" You wouldn't give up. "No. I've already accepted his death. If he comes back, that would be a miracle, but if he doesn't... well, it won't change anything." Monte stood with his bow in hand as if he had declared the front porch as his new post. "You know, you don't have to worry." You told him. "Pardon?" He turned his head. "You can relax. You don't have to stand guard anymore. Nothing is coming to hurt us. Herobrine's on our side now." You reassured him. A small, cracked smile stretched across his flesh-less lips, "It's funny... I've been strong for so long I..." Monte trailed off, looking away as a tear rolled down his cheek bone. He forgot how relieving it was to be weak for once. In the past, he used to always pretend to be strong, but eventually he was pretending so often he forgot who he was. Monte breathed quietly, not sure whether he should simply walk away or just grin and bear it. "I don't know what'll come next after I free my men. What purpose do I have if I'm not a soldier? Where will I go?"

"You don't have to leave, I'm sure Herobrine will give you back your title of Captain if you want to come back. Conditions will be better, I'll make sure of it." You said.

"I'm tired of fighting, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm alone."

"That's not true. Even if Prysm doesn't come back... you'll always be a brother to me."

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