Chapter Four, Painful Allure

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Your tearful eyes scanned the bedroom. It wasn't your room, it was his room and his room only. You still couldn't comprehend what Herobrine had told you. His voice kept replaying in the back of your mind like a recording, the same words "I love you" ringing throughout your memory. For your whole life, you had been alone. You had wished countless times for someone new to come into your life and sweep you off your feet. And now, all of the sudden, your one wish backfired and the one person that took interest in you wanted to keep you as a prisoner. As simple as your life was before, you didn't hate it. It was hard, but at least you were free to roam. You enjoyed the adventures you went on. You liked the thrill of building things for yourself and the adrenaline that came with protecting your honor. Now that Herobrine was in your life, would you ever feel that thrill again? Would you ever slay another mob? Would you ever craft another item? Would you ever sleep underneath the stars of the distant sky knowing that you were safe and sound? The idea of becoming his docile little lover angered you. You weren't going to let him turn you into his dependent porcelain doll that he could just play with whenever he wanted. You weren't an object. You weren't someone he could just torment and then leave expecting you not to rebel. The longer you sat at the windowsill, the more dread you felt. As tired as you physically were, the fire inside your heart was saying you had to rebel. If you didn't escape now, you may not get another chance in a very long time. Who knew how often Herobrine would leave you alone? This could be your chance!

Thunder boomed in the sky outside as you stood up with newfound strength. You grabbed your satchel and stuffed your map inside your pocket, tucking your small journal onto your belt. Leaving the empty bag behind, you stepped out of the room and began retracing your steps back to the main halls down stairs. You peeked around every corner, trying to avoid the withered skeletons. New plan! You were going to home, grab your horse, and make for the North Ocean. If you could reach the river without getting apprehended, you had a good chance of making it by daybreak. You would be going against the current if you decided to swim upriver, but it would cover your tracks. The fear of getting caught bubbled inside you, but the fear of sleeping in that psycho's bed seemed to overrule it. Since your dagger was confiscated, you grabbed a small quartz statue off of a nearby pedestal to use as a weapon. Down the corridor that led to the living room, the two wither skeletons were still stationed there. Slowly, you walked behind them with the statue raised in your hand.

They didn't hear you creeping up behind them, much to your advantage. Faster than the lightning outside, you smashed the statue over one of their heads with a loud CRACK. After seizing its stone sword you faced the other one, ready to fight. Although not a swordsman, you weren't exactly a noob when it came to fighting. The element of surprise was on your side as you twisted around the blackened skeleton, knocking his helmet clean off his head before driving your blade through his crackling ribs. It started to let out a deranged shout, but you covered its mouth in an attempt to hide its dying screams. The last thing you wanted was for it to alert the other guards. "Sorry, buddy. It's nothing personal." You told it after it collapsed onto the carpet. Normally you hated taking lives. You wouldn't kill unless you absolutely had to. With the stone sword in your hand, you made your way over to the window with a slight smirk on your face. It felt so good to have a weapon in your hand. You felt strong again, like you had a chance to be free. "Think you can break my window, all-mighty Herobrine?" You stood in front of the window with a determined expression. It was only thunder that answered you, but you didn't care. "Let's see how you like it, BITCH!" Using your sword, you completely shattered the window, causing pieces of glass to fly onto the floor. Some shards scratched your elbows and your hands, causing little beads of blood to form on your body. Raindrops began coming inside, the storm progressing. But you weren't afraid to get wet. A little rain wouldn't matter.

You placed the stolen sword on your belt, replacing the spot where your dagger would usually be. It was a little bit of a jump, but you crawled through the window frame and landed onto the wet grass below. Adrenaline coursed through your veins once you realized the weight of what you had done. There was no going back, no way to undo what you did.

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